Maybe the best thing is not to think about anything at all

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The next morning, I intended to wake up early for work, but somehow ended up running late. In the midst of my preparations, Cesar woke up. I wasn't in the mood to talk, but he persisted.

"Sorry about yesterday," he apologized. I simply nodded, indicating everything was okay, and focused on getting ready. "Look at me," he urged, but I brushed it off. "Lilian, look at me." I remained indifferent, finished getting ready, and headed to work.

Upon reaching the office, I informed Violet that I wasn't up for visitors and requested her patience, given my foul mood.

In the afternoon, Ian called me.

"Sarah? You skipped lunch with us today." 

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Not feeling great." 

"Something happened? Can I help?" 

"No, I guess not." 

"Let me take you for a walk tonight, just as friends. It'll lift your spirits a bit." 

I agreed without much thought. "Sure, but can you tell me where? I want to wear the right shoes." 

"I was thinking about a restaurant..." 


He chuckled, "Yes, Sarah, indoors."

We settled on a time and hung up. This outing seemed perfect – no need to deal with Cesar or observe students. Today was Guilherme's day off.

At home, I quickly got ready, leaving Cesar engrossed in television.

Ian chose a fantastic restaurant this time.

"To make up for our last meeting." 

"Excellent!" I replied, enjoying the meal and conversation. 

After dinner, he suggested, "Shall I take you back to the office, or do something different?" 

"Like what?" 

"I don't know... a stroll, maybe?" 

"Isn't it dangerous?" I inquired. Before he could answer, he had a better idea.

"Or we could go to my apartment. I have a decent wine collection. We can chat while trying one of them."

It sounded perfect, and I agreed. "It's impolite for a girl to say 'yes' to such a request..." 

"So don't say it, just let's go..." he insisted, offering his hand.

His apartment was stunning, befitting someone with a wealthy father. While admiring the décor, he poured a glass of wine.

"Your place is beautiful..." 

"Do you like it?" 

"It's really impressive."

As I settled into a comfortable chair, he sat on the sofa. He noticed my sadness from work.

"You seemed really down today. Can you share what's bothering you?" 

"I'd rather not think about it now."

After studying me for a moment, he straightened up. "What would you prefer to think about?" he asked. I smiled, remaining silent. He approached and, without ceremony, kissed me. Between kisses, he suggested, "Maybe the best thing is not to think about anything at all."

The next morning, I took a taxi home, informing the company I'd be in after lunch. I desperately needed sleep.

Waking up with a slight hangover, I had our staff bring me some food. Cesar approached.

"We need to talk." 

"I don't think so." 

"At least tell me..." 

"Last night, I was with Ian. Is that it?" I admitted. 

He was taken aback but continued, "What about the vampires?" 

"I don't want to talk about them." 

He fell silent and left.

Despite a headache, I went to work. In the afternoon, Ian showed up at my office.

"I had a great time last night, Ian. Thanks for the invite." 

"How about doing it again tonight?" 

"No, today I'm too tired. I just need to go home and rest." 

"You're too weak for wine," he teased. 

"You wore me out last night." 

"Rest, then. We'll see tomorrow." He kissed me and left.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now