That woman is the product of a kidnap!

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I awoke to find one of the men, the one who had shared the bed with me, stirring. Morning had already arrived, and he seemed startled upon waking. He glanced at me with apprehension, and I reassured him with a shake of my head, indicating that nothing untoward had occurred between us. With a sigh, he lay back down, covering his face with his hand.

Meanwhile, the second man, the eldest among them, stirred on the other side of the room. He rose to his feet, casting a serious gaze in my direction, before silently exiting the room.

As he departed, the third man awoke. He looked at me with a hint of confusion and uttered, somewhat groggily, "Good morning?"

I waved in response.

"Markus, who is this girl, and why is she in my bed?" inquired the man beside me, still shielding his face with his hand.

"I have no idea... Have we met, miss?" Markus asked, struggling to recollect. It was then that the third man returned to the room.

"That woman is the product of a kidnap!" he exclaimed, pointing accusingly at me.

"What?" questioned the man beside me, perplexed.

"We rescued her from a cage! Literally!"

The man beside me turned to me, his expression puzzled. "Were you kidnapped?"

"We should notify the authorities immediately!" insisted the third man.

"No," I interjected finally. "Please don't." All eyes turned to me, prompting me to continue. "I'm just... going to leave..."

"No," the man next to me countered. "Have breakfast first," he suggested, still seeming disoriented from the hangover. "Then you can go."

I joined them for breakfast, and by the end of the meal, they had seemingly embraced me as one of their own.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now