No more lies, ok?

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Soon their old friend arrived (I still don't know his name) and joined Vince and me for breakfast. Then another friend of theirs arrived with an envelope.

"I brought your girl's ticket," he said, leaving the envelope on the table by the door. "The car is ready."

"Great, let's go," said Vince, standing up. He took the envelope and proceeded ahead. We followed a little behind. As he walked down the hall, he opened the envelope while saying:

"Don't worry, we got your ticket, miss..." Then he looked more closely. "Lilian?!"

He paused to look at me.

"I didn't know we would become... intimate."

He gazed at me for a moment, seemingly pondering what to do. I feared everything would fall apart. After a brief pause, he said:

"No more lies, ok?" And he walked away.

Uncertain of what to do, I followed after him.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now