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Jennie POV

I entered the apartment and burst into tears. I'm so angry at her... How selfish is she? I mean yes, I get it she want me safe but what about my happiness?


Noo... I love her. BUT I HATE HER GUTS!

"Hey... What happened?" Chaeyoung asked as she rubbed my back.

"It's over with me and Lisa..." I sobbed as I hugged her tightly.

"Shhh... It's going to be okay Jennieyah... How about you talk to Auntie about it? Maybe she can help." Chaeyoung whispered and I nodded.

I went into my room and pulled out my phone. I dialled mummy's number.

"Jennie dear? Are you okay? Are you safe? What's wrong?" Mummy asked worriedly after picking up the call.

"M-mummy... I... I don't know what to do..." I cried my heart out.

"Tell me where you are and I'll pick you up." Mummy said softly.

"N-no... I'm in my apartment... I... Lisa and I broke up... I threw the engagement ring to her..." I cried and Mummy sighed.

"I see... Jennie dear, calm down... Take a deep breath. Tell me, is this what you really want? When you threw that ring to her, did you really want to end it? Ask yourself..." Mummy asked and I sobbed harder.

"N-no... But I was so angry with her... She is giving me mix signals now, I don't know what she really wants." I explained the situation.

"Arasso, let me think of something first. I'll call you back. Drink a glass of water and calm down first." Mummy said before hanging up the phone.

I took Mummy's advice and drank a glass of water.

After 15 minutes, mummy called me again.

"Jennie dear, I'll book a plane ticket for you to Australia. I'll assign one woman bodyguard along so that she can drive you anywhere you want because right now, what you need is to have a clear mind of what you want and let that anger off you. I'll ask the bodyguard to pack you a luggage of clothes. All you need to do is get ready tomorrow morning and the bodyguard will be at the lobby." Mummy said and I smiled.


"Gumawo, mummy... You helped me so much. I don't know how I can repay you..." I said softly.

"Just take care of yourself there. Remember, relax. Rest well arasso? Goodnight, dear!" She said excitedly.

"Arasso. Goodnight, mummy." I said before hanging up the phone.

---Halmeoni Short POV---

2:00 AM

"Hello? Halmeoni, activate your basement. I'm coming to plan with you." Lia said and I jumped excitedly.

"Arasso! I'm so excited! See you!" I said before hanging up the phone.

I opened the fake wall and activated my basement so that Lia can access it from her mansion.

"Oh my precious grandchild is awake? Aish... Mummy, I still don't know why you get to keep Lucas for the time being when I'm the rightful grandma..." Lia said as she carried tiny Lucas who is busy standing on his baby cot while looking around aimlessly.

"He woke up just after Lisa left. Poor boy didn't know his daddy was kissing him for straight 30 minutes and yah, let me cherish my great grandchild while I am still alive." I pouted and Lia scratched her head.

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