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Lisa's heart would not stop racing. No matter what she did, her heart would not relax. Especially when she was driving Jennie back to their dorm. One hand held the steering wheel while the other was being embraced tightly from beside her. And who was hugging her arm, oh...just Jennie... no big deal.


"You're so warm," she heard Jennie mutter quietly before pressing her cheek closer to her arm. Lisa could feel how soft her... Christ, get it together Lisa!


"I could turn on the heater," Lisa coughed, keeping her arm as still as she could.

"But you are my heater."


Be still my beating heart.

Lisa released a breath of relief the moment their school entered her view. She didn't know how much her sanity could take. Jennie's touch and scent was driving her insane.

It was the smallest movements from Jennie that if Lisa had no self control, she would've squealed, giggled and crashed into a tree.


Jennie would graze the tip of her nose against her arm, pull her arm closer between her...you know, or press her face in the crook of Lisa's neck and inhale, like she was hungry for Lisa's perfume. What was happening?


Finally, she pulled in and parked in the school's parking lot.

"Okay Jen," she spoke, her voice shaking, "We're here, can I have my arm back?" Then she God damned pouted... Lisa's weakness.

"But I don't wanna let go," she whined, still drunk as ever. Lisa sighed, but smiled nonetheless. She leaned her head back against the headrest and stared at Jennie.

She was so beautiful and all she wanted to do was bring her closer. But, there was a wall. A wall that had the potential to come down, but – how? Or when? She didn't know, all she knew was her heart still belonged to Jennie.

"If you let go, I'll give you a piggyback ride back to your room."

Jennie suddenly looked up, eyes hazy but bright and happy. "Really?" She asked in excitement. Her face was close but Lisa didn't mind, she was too focused on how happy Jennie looked. And it was all because of her.

Lisa laughed, "Yes, really."

Jennie squealed and pulled away, much to Lisa's displeasure, and fumbled with her seat belt. Lisa playfully rolled her eyes and clicked the button for her before opening her door,

"Wait a minute," she instructed. She slid out of the car and closed her own door before walking around the car and opening Jennie's door. She was smiling but looked extremely exhausted.

Jennie turned her body and opened her arms with a cute smile. Lisa grinned before turning around and bending down slightly,

"Hop on drunky," she teased, giggling along with Jennie as she hopped on her back and wrapped her arms around her neck. She adjusted Jennie before turning around and shutting the door closed and locking the car. "Hold on," she warned before running towards the building.

She could hear Jennie squealing and laughing. She sounded so free. The opposite of how she looked all day. It made Lisa feel good knowing she was the reason for her happiness.She would lean one side to the other, pretending that they would fall causing Jennie to squeal even louder and hold her tighter.

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