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- Picnic -

The morning sun was peeking through their window and Jennie woke up feeling sore but somehow she felt great as Lisa is hugging her tight. For the first time, she felt safe and content. Her tears came out a little remembering what she has done to Lisa previously. How stupid of her to cheat on Lisa just because of her insecurities. Her emotions kick in and she sobs a little making Lisa slowly waking up wondering where the sob came from.

Lisa saw Jennie and was worried if she hurt the love of her life. Yesterday was the best night she ever felt in her life. Her first time with Jennie and she knows Jennie will be the last person for her too. Lisa never doubts her love for Jennie and willing to take her in instantly. Their connections were so strong she just felt the need to hug her Nini or to care for her.

"Hey Nini, what's wrong baby? Are you hurt? Do you... erm... regret of what happened yesterday?" Lisa asked worriedly because if Jennie regretted their action yesterday, that will be the death of her. As much as Lisa loves Jennie, Lisa will always respect her decision.

Jennie turned around to face Lisa with bloodshot eyes crying on Lisa's chest, sobbing.

"Hey, Nini... please don't cry love... I am sorry if I hurt you physically or emotionally... I am sorry Nini..." Lisa felt her world starting to crash because Jennie's sobs are getting louder. Suddenly Lisa felt Jennie hugged her tight as if it was her life. While sobbing, Jennie tries hard to speak.

"I love.... what we... did... yesterday... No regrets..." Lisa smiled hearing that but still, Lisa is worried about why Jennie cried. Lisa kissed on top of Jennie's hair to make her felt a little bit calm. Lisa felt relieved when Jennie's sobs getting slower.

"Lili... I am sorry... sorry for everything... I am the stupidest person for cheating on you. I know I should not but I am just so stupid for not trusting you and stay in my insecurities... Why do you love me Lili? You should hate me and I should accept it... Why are you so nice to me?" Jennie continues to sob and Lisa kissed Jennie's hair again.

"Nini, at the end of it, we both know that we need each other... I tried to hate you, I do... for whatever you did to me. It crushes my dream but I know that if you love someone, you need to let them be happy. I want you to be happy and if you are happy with Kai at that time, I am willing to surrender and I did... but it doesn't mean I throw you away from my life... It hurt but it hurts more not being able to see your smile, your cookings, your kisses... I sleep with your picture beside my pillow..." Lisa caresses Jennie's hair softly and smiles when Jennie looks at her straight in the eyes.

"Lili...." Jennie tried to say something but her tongue felt speechless. Jennie felt the sincerity in Lisa's voice and it made her emotional thinking how stupid she is last time.

"Nini... you don't have to say anything... I am glad you still love me and now Ella... When I first saw Ella, I remember you dearly. Her smile, the way she talked... all resembles you and it captured my heart instantly... When I had her sleeping in my room, that is the first time, I felt the love from a child. My child, the child that made me smile again for the first time... It doesn't mean I forgot about you though... I still dream about you being happy with me and Ella... But I know you should be happy with Kai or maybe even had your kid... I then decided to only care about Ella rather than my heart... not until I met you back for the first time... Whatever I built crashes because I felt the longing to love you again.... I know it is wrong but I really cannot help it... Who has the wonder that you came back to me...and now I will be super selfish, no one is taking you away... I will only accept my defeat if you decided to walk away from my life again..."

Jennie kissed Lisa's chest slowly remembering they are still naked.

"Lili... I will never walk away from your life anymore... Please don't leave me.. I love you so much and now Ella is in my life... I felt complete and safe... I never felt so complete in my life and now my parents know about us, it really lifts out my insecurities... I know I shouldn't have it but I am just stupid... I will be stronger for us...I promise you this Lili..."

Both of them smile at each other knowing they are meant for each other. Jennie wakes up from their bed and went into the bathroom. It is still early and she needs to prepare Lisa's favorite sandwich together with Ella's.

"Lili, would you .... like to join me? Shower together? I need to get the food ready for our picnic today..." Jennie does not need to say it twice because Lisa woke up instantly following her future wife. God knows what they did showering together. Lisa can be really naughty, Jennie? she loves making Lisa wanting her after last night. It was Jennie's first time, of course, Lisa's too so they just can't get enough with each other. Both of them wonder if Jisoo and Chaeng heard them.

After about an hour of showering together, both of them went down to prepare the sandwich for their picnic today. Jennie is happy seeing Lisa bruises are not so bad, just a couple of red marks here and there and it makes Lisa looked hot to her.

"Nini, I'm going to wake Ella up okay? I need to make sure the couple upstairs are up too." Lisa said and gave Jennie a peck on the lips making Jennie blushed.

"Okay Lili, make it fast... I don't want the sandwich to be cold later..." Lisa winked at Jennie and walked to her stairs. Lisa was about to climb her stairs when she heard her angel shouted.

"I am ready for a picnic!!" Lisa can hear Chaeng and Jisoo laughs together with Ella.

"Mama!! why don't you wake up earlier?!!" Ella was struggling to go to Lisa from Chaeng when they reached downstairs.

"I was helping Auntie Jennie with the sandwiches..." Ella eyes shine bright and went down to run to Jennie. Lisa smiled knowing how Ella loves Jennie so much.

"Mommy Jen!!! ohh Auntie Jen Jen!! Is that my sandwichhhh..." Lisa can hear Ella's voice from the stairs and she saw Jennie picked Ella up to sit on the kitchen table with care. Jennie gave Ella kisses making Ella laugh non-stop.

"Jennie really loves Ella..." Chaeng said and I nod.

"I smell wedding!" Jisoo laughs making Lisa blushed.

"One fine day, I will make her mine..." Both of them looked at Lisa with awe and disbelief.

"You said you got Ella, and don't want to get marry?" Chaeng teases her and all of them laugh while walking towards where Jennie was.

They reached the picnic area after an hour and Lisa was so happy seeing how Ella loves playing with Jennie. Jennie on the other hand, making sure Ella is safe makes Lisa's heart warm. Lisa knows by heart that Jennie will be the mother of Ella.

All of them were playing and laughing together not minding others. From other people's eyes, all of them look like a happy family but without them knowing, someone is watching them from far. The person has so much grudge towards them and wanting to see them die.

"I will make sure you will cry to death Lisa! I will show you that I can win you anytime! You and Jennie can go to hell!" Slowly the person watches when is the best time to activate the plans.

"I can see you really love that small kid. I will make sure you will never saw her again after this and I know it will break you down! Hahaha!" The person plans to kidnap Ella and sell it to a black market. The person has no heart and it is just filled with hatred and grudge.

The person knows Jennie will bring Ella to Ice Cream shop in the evening waiting for Lisa to finish her work. The person will push Jennie and took Ella and make sure to never meet Lisa anymore. The person never wanted any money, only wanted to see Lisa broke down into pieces.

The person moves away from the picnic area and said,

"Be happy... for now... hahahaha" and walked away planning the next agenda.

Meanwhile, Lisa felt someone is watching but sees no one. It might be just her feeling and ignore it while adoring Jennie and Ella. Jisoo and Chaeng were also happy with them.

Lisa felt something is not right but she just cannot think what it is so she decided to ignore it and let it go. It might just be herself but Lisa is not stupid, she is always ready in case anything bad happens but will she realize that someone will be taking her child away from her?

IIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora