My Devil's

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I opened my eyes and growl as i dragged my half body out bed. It's the first day of school and im not excited at all.

After the battle, I went to the bathroom and did my thing and got out and dressed and looked at the clock, I have a few minutes left.

I went downstairs and saw no one. I guess my parents took Naeun my lil sis to school and head to work.

I took the milk out of the fridge out and some cereal.

I grabbed a bowl and added the cereal and I poured the milk inside the bow. And start eating.

After finishing ! hear the damn honk I hurried up and took my bag and got out of the house and locked the door behind me.

I walked to the bus and saw Jisoo in the back half sleep half annoyed. I walked to her.

"Hey what s wrong?" I sit next to her

"I hate school, i cant wait to graduate" She looks at the windows and sighs.


I chuckled she really does hate school especially in
the morning. i cant wait to graduate too. I start looking around the bus and see who's here.

As i was looking. A paper was thrown at my head from the back.

"What the...?" I say and turn around, There she is Jennie Kim. the devils greatest creation is here.

Me and Jennie were never on the same page, if she had the chance she would choke me with her bare hands. Believe it or not we were actually the best of friends back in the day.

It all started when were kids.


Little Jennie and little Lisa were six year olds
playing in the school playground. Lisa started digging a hole in the sand for Jennie while the other kids were playing.

"Nini come check out the hole" Lisa smiled as Jennie
started walking towards her.

"Come on! play with me" Jisoo came from behind and grabbed and turned Lisa away from Jennie.

"Owwww" Jennie yells.

Lisa looks around but doesn't see Jennie anywhere
just hearing her voice, She takes a few steps forwards and sees Jennie in the hole and grabbing her leg.


"Oh no! Nini are you okay?" Little Lisa says and Concerned.

"No" She yells from the hole.

Lisa starts panicking and runs quickiy to the teacher and tells her what happens.

When she returned to the playground all the kids were laughing and pointing at Jennie.

"Stawp it, it's not funny" Jennie yells and starts crying from inside the hole.


"Don't worry hunny. just grab my hand" The teacher says and reaches down with half of her body inside the hole and picks up Jennie in her arms.

The kids are still laughing at her, and calling her stupid and blind The teacher grabs Jennie from the hole and walks away with Jennie around her arms. Lisa follows them.

When they reached to the nurse she told them she broke her leg. Lisa feel guilty she didn't mean this to happen she just wanted to show her the hole she digged for her.

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