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Stretched out alongside Lisa's prone, wondrously nude form, Jennie marveled that she was still capable of teaching, let alone speaking, after the full-body massage she'd just performed. A prolonged warm-up to the main event, the instructive rubdown had produced thirty minutes of the most enticing whimpers Jennie had ever heard voiced aloud, making it damn near impossible to convincingly downplay her own arousal. That speech still flowed from her at all was a minor miracle, given that her brain had gone offline the moment she'd first cupped Lisa's perky, tight-nippled breasts in her well-oiled hands.

Coherence aside, she doubted she was fooling the twenty women who encircled them. Camped out on individual blankets and in various states of undress, the vast majority of her students watched goggle-eyed as Jennie dripped warm oil onto her hand, then onto Lisa's neatly groomed vulva. The room had grown so quiet, so taut with anticipation, that Jennie imagined everyone had to hear her heart racing, had to notice her fingers tremble as she lowered her palm to rest on Lisa's pubic mound. Guiding Lisa's thighs apart with her free hand to ensure that the oil she'd just applied would trickle down onto her clit and labia, Jennie realized she was holding her breath — and that her inevitable exhalation would surely draw attention to her flustered state.

Shit, what was I saying again?

"No, don't stop." Lisa's writhing hips nudged her back into action. "This feels incredible."

It did. Touching Lisa stirred her in a way it shouldn't, in a way Jennie wished it wouldn't. She told herself it was because of the firm, youthful body and flawless skin on display, that the attraction was strictly physical. Even if she'd never chased younger women in the past, she was about to turn forty. Maybe Lisa was her mid-life crisis in action, because what better way to celebrate a birthday this monumental than some ill-advised lust for the cougar-hungry sex kitten next door? With Lisa's plump, steamy vulva nestled against her palm, Jennie struggled to recall why she'd sworn off even the most casual sexual entanglements. Surely the euphoria of human connection merited some level of emotional risk. Didn't it?


Dragged into focus by the desperation in Lisa's whimpered plea, Jennie somehow managed to pick up her lesson plan where she'd left off. "Begin by gently massaging your partner's pubic mound." She used her whole hand to demonstrate, pressing down lightly with her palm as she rubbed small circles over Lisa's vulva. "Gradually work your way down to her outer lips, but don't touch her clitoris or vagina just yet."

Jennie barely noticed whether anyone attempted to mimic the technique, too engrossed in the subtle arching of Lisa's back as she ran her fingertips along one labia majora, then the other. Shuddering, Lisa spread her legs to reveal the glistening pink beauty of her inner folds. The sight shook Jennie like a gale-force wind, once again knocking her off course. The plaintive moan that arose at her hesitation reminded Jennie of the next line in her spiel and simultaneously unleashed a rush of wetness to further soak her panties.

Tearing her eyes from Lisa to stare over the heads of the most inattentive couple within her field of view, Jennie intoned, "There's no rush here. Remember, you have many reasons to give your partner a yoni massage, and orgasm isn't even close to the best."

"Speak for yourself." Lisa's wisecrack earned her a predictable laugh.

Without acknowledging Lisa — mostly for fear of what would happen if she veered too far off-script — Jennie repeated the previous caresses while listing the benefits of what her fresh-faced neighbor was allowing her to do. "Regular vaginal massage will loosen the muscles of your pelvic floor, which may lead to more intense orgasms. It also reduces tension and, perhaps more importantly, increases circulation — which is why doctors recommend this technique to help reverse vaginal atrophy in menopausal women." Having noticed how rigid Lisa's posture had become, Jennie preemptively addressed what she assumed was her young friend's chief concern. "All of which does not preclude the possibility of orgasm. It's entirely likely your partner will climax while you're touching her. Perhaps even multiple times. But this exercise is about creating sexual intimacy, first and foremost. This massage is about connecting with your partner and making her feel wonderful."

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