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It's my day off today. Jennie and I decided to visit a high class mall because she wants to shop for her favorite luxury brands. But even if this mall has only few people inside, we still can't expose our faces. We still walk a meter or two away from each other and act as if we do not know each other. As usual, she is a secret. I am a secret. As long as she's in the limelight, we'll remain as a secret.

Jennie is already a known customer in this luxury shop we entered. Just by observing at her, my heart is breaking. My heart is breaking that I can't buy these expensive stuff for her. I am saving for our house.

After she bought a pair of shoes and a limited edition bag, we strolled around the mall to look for a less crowded restaurant so we can eat. Before entering this Asian restaurant, someone called me behind.

"Boss! Boss, it's nice to see you here." A familiar voice. It's Andie, one of my info specialists in my department.

"Oh. Hi, Andie!" I greeted her back.

She just suddenly embraced me tight. I was about to step back to avoid the hug but she was too fast. I saw Jennie looked at us. Even she's wearing sunglasses, I know that doesn't like what she's seeing right now.

"Congratulations, boss! We've waited for this moment that we can call you that. You deserve it!" She said and I thanked her.

Jennie went inside the restaurant first. I kept looking at her even if Andie is still talking to me. I immediately followed Jennie inside.

Before I sat across her, I made sure that no one saw me going to where my wife is. Jennie was talking to the manager who approached her. She told the manager to keep our presence here confidential.

As what we always do when we eat out.

"Who was that?" My wife asked in a serious tone when the manager left.

"Andie. She's my info analyst." I answered. I held Jennie's hand above the table. I know she's being jealous again.

"She called you 'boss'. Wow! You two have endearment? And she embraced you. Is it a requirement for colleagues to hug each other? Cool." My wife is indeed jealous.

"I—I got promoted yesterday. She knows that I am married to you and she is married to John, a colleague too. Andie can keep a secret and she has been loyal to my department. I tried not to receive that hug but she was fast. You saw it.She is just a normal sweet lady. She hugs everyone in the office. I am sorry, babe." I said calmly.

Jennie was surprised.

"Oh! Baby, I am so proud of you! Congratulations! I think let's celebrate and I'll buy you a gift later! What do you want?" Her mood suddenly changed.

She demanded me to transfer and sit beside her. The whole dining experience was purely about us being so clingy to each other. I am still wooing her.

After we ate, we went shopping again. She bought a lot of things for me from a new phone, clothes I can't count, an expensive watch and four pairs of shoes. I was stopping her but Jennie is Jennie. Stubborn.

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