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Jennie checked the girls from the guest room after she helps Lisa in her room. The girl insisted on sleeping with her. The girls agreed and let her.

"Are you guys okay here? Uhh.. if you need anything, just knock on my door. You know where the restroom is and if— Jen, we're okay. You have to relax." Jisoo cuts her.

Jennie smiled at them while turning on the ac.

"How's Lisa?"

"Obviously drunk, unnie. She finished two more bottles of beer. Sneakily."

"How about you? Are you drunk?"

"A little, maybe. But I'm fine."

The girls nodded.

"Goodnight, girls."

"Goodnight, Jen. Goodnight, everyone. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bug bi— Shut up!"

Yerin pouted when the girls cut her in chorus. Jennie bursted out laughing and turned off the light. Then closed the door.

She checked everything before she goes back to her room. When she went in, Lisa's not on her bed and the light in the bathroom is on. Then she heard the flush. Lisa went out and wiggles a little.

"I will never drink again."

"Yeah.. you've been saying that. Lili, the light.."

"Oh.. sorry." Lisa went back and turned the lights off.



"I can't see anything."

Jennie chuckled and plugged her pinlight. But too late, Lisa hit her bed frame with her toe.


"Ahw! I told you, I can't see anything." Lisa cries while gripping her toes tight. Jennie laughed at her.

"You are the worse when you're drunk. Are you really the MVP?" Jennie chuckled while fixing her bedsheets.

"Oh.. you're doubting me now?" Lisa mumbles and laid beside her.

"No.. I've never doubted you, Lili.." Jennie said and covered them with her sheets.

"Really?" Lisa mumbles.

"Tss. Just sleep. And goodluck with your head tomorrow."

Lisa whines like a child. Jennie just chuckled then she becomes serious and quiet when she remembers Lisa's parents.

"Lili.. you didn't tell me your mom scolded you for drinking this morning."

"It doesn't matter." Lisa answered with her eyes closed.

"What if they think I'm just a bad influence to you? What if they won't like me because of that?"

"They will like you, I promise. I'll let you meet them tomorrow."

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