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"I hate it that we are still required to visit her. We don't need this anymore. Imagine, five to seven more sessions? I don't get it!" Jennie has been talking with great disappointment in her eyes and voice.


"Let's give it to them, Jen. Maybe this will be the last time. I will try to make them believe that this won't work anymore." Lisa delivered in a soft and dreary voice, not even looking at Jennie the entire time inside the elevator.

"Try? Lisa, there's no need for you to try so hard. We both know the truth. We can't continue what we have. I'm sorry, I fell out of love." Jennie raised her voice while Lisa looked down as she took a deep breath. Made three taps using her shoe on the floor. That's maybe just to divert her mind to something else. Maybe that would stop her tears.

"Y-yeah." Lisa has no energy at all.

"If she asks you questions you are hesitant to answer, just don't spill anything out. Ok?" Jennie demanded.

Lisa just nodded on their way out of the cube. Across is a brown wooden door with a name of a professional lady they never wished to see and interact with.

The couple-. I mean, the ex-lovers took their places in one couch. Jennie on the left side. Lisa on the other side, two meters away from her.

"Good morning, Lisa and Jennie. Do you want coffee or tea?" Winona Hale, a marriage counselor offered.

"I'm good. Thanks." Jennie faked a smile.

"Can I have water please?" Lisa asked for it. Winona's assistant gave Lisa a glass of what she needs right away.

"Winona, don't get me wrong. Can we just make this fast? Or maybe we can make a deal. Just tell my parents that Lisa and I are no longer good for each other." Jennie went straight to the point.

Lisa took small sips of water while she's looking at Jennie signing a check.

"Here. Write the amount you desire. I have no time for this bullshit. I don't even know what's this for. I don't think the court needs this still. Lisa cheated on me. She admitted it. What else do we have to prove that we ain't in love with each other anymore.?" J is getting loud and harsh.

A liar. Liar. Lisa did not cheat. Never.

Lisa looked down and tracing the glass with her thumb. She handed that glass of water to Jennie because she knows it would somehow calm down her ex. Jennie took it and drank what's half left.

"No. I can't accept this, Jennie. My job is not to be bribed by any amount. I guess, you know that." Winona delivered her stand in a nice and calm way.

Jennie just sighed and closed her eyes.

"How about you, Lisa? Do you think you and your wife still need this? Few more sessions and we're done."

"Uhm-. Wh-whatever Jennie wants. I-." She's stuttering. She's even sweating while she rubs her own thighs. Nervous. Sad. Disappointed of what they have become.

"Talk straight, Lisa. You've always been so weak! And just to be clear, our divorce may still be on the process now, but we're not a couple anymore. I am just your wife on papers." Jennie startled Lisa because of her earsplitting voice at the moment. She kept telling Winona all the bad things they did to each other as a couple. Some are true. Most are not.

Lisa just placed her elbows on her knees and covered her eyes with her palms.

"If I were to decide for us, I really wanted to fix this, Jennie. B-but because I love you, then let your voice be heard and let it rule." Lisa said while she is already crying.

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