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Awake in bed four nights later, Jennie fought to shut off her brain and sleep. This was her new nighttime ritual: struggling to forget the noises Lisa made when she climaxed, or how she'd fucked herself for Moon Byul-yi's (initially reluctant) entertainment, or the way she'd spent last Saturday seemingly determined to avoid eye contact, yet unable to look away. But forgetting was impossible. Especially when Jennie's brain insisted on obsessively replaying her favorite mental movie on a frenetic loop: Lisa orgasming at her command — not just once, but three times.

How could she possibly sleep with that delicious food for thought rattling around in her head?

Sighing, Jennie slipped her hand beneath the comforter, then between her thighs. She lacked the energy for a big effort — too cozy under the covers to go grab her favorite toy, too tired for very much buildup. But if there was any chance that getting off would sate her fevered mind, she was more than willing to try. She reached beneath the waistband of her nighttime shorts to stroke her labia, testing her readiness.

"Already wet," she whispered aloud, delighted by the copious juices at her opening. "That a girl, Lisa." Jennie petted herself, closing her eyes to pretend she was feeling Lisa's diligent tongue. "Get that pussy nice and juicy for me." Pleasure shot through her lower body. "Lick it up, baby. Just like I taught you."

A muffled thump from the wall behind her head — Lisa's bedroom wall — startled Jennie wide awake. She tore her hand from her shorts, guilty as a teenager without a lock on her bedroom door. Another thump reverberated through the wall, followed by muffled laughter. Frowning, Jennie realized what was happening. For the first time in over three weeks, Lisa had brought home an overnight guest. They were about to fuck while Jennie lay in bed only feet away, horny and alone. She would have to listen.

"You don't have to," she mumbled, mostly to convince herself. "You could sleep on the couch. Or listen to music." The languorous moan of a woman who most definitely wasn't Lisa nearly convinced her to do just that. "Through headphones."

The quality of the moans changed abruptly, hinting that Lisa had started to work her special brand of sexual sorcery. Jennie's reticence melted as she lost herself in thoughts of Lisa's soft, wet tongue, of hovering above her open, eager mouth, of how it made her feel to receive oral worship from such a beautiful young thing. Without making a conscious choice, she returned her fingers to her clit.

Their loud fucking lasted well over an hour, enough time for Jennie to enjoy a trio of orgasms. After recovering from the last one, as the ruckus from Lisa's bedroom resumed for an apparent third round, Jennie tore her hand from her shorts and rolled onto her side. The hot bitterness of the tears streaming down her cheeks shocked her, as did their swift transformation into silent, racking sobs. She attempted to shut off her brain countless times that night, but all she could do was think.

She thought about how exciting it was to flirt with Lisa, and how elated she felt when Lisa flirted back. She imagined touching Lisa in private, with nobody watching. Or even better, kissing her, the kind of kiss she hadn't experienced in a decade — long, passionate, and deep.

Then she remembered how Yeri had provided similar thrills, in the beginning. For the first thirteen months of their nearly six-year relationship, Jennie had been certain they would grow old together. With Yeri, laughter came easily, and their chemistry was incendiary — in every way, as it turned out.

Early in their second year, the insults started. Yeri always had something to say about her outfit, her behavior, the way she smiled at the waitress, or most viciously, her active and varied sexual past. Jennie still couldn't understand the shift in Yeri's attitude, except as the natural consequence of settling into a long-term relationship with a bona fide jerk. Once the frequency of their lovemaking inevitably slowed from its initially breakneck pace, Yeri had turned jealous and cruel, disapproving of her in seemingly every way.

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