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It has been the most amazing 2 months with Lisa so far. Although Lisa and I haven't had sex, I can't recall the last time I felt this happy. I guess the both of us didn't want to jump in too quickly.


I got to meet Lisa's mother and she is absolutely lovely. That day, I could see how nervous Lisa was. She has informed me that her mother know she's gay after the Jungkook incident and that she has never brought anyone home before so she doesn't know what to expect. It went really well to her relief.

Earlier this week, in the midst of my busy day at work, I received a bag of home cooked food which Lisa's mother had sent over. I shared with her I was going to have a few busy days and often had no time to get food. So receiving that was a pleasant surprise. I immediately rang her to thank her.

My mother would be in town for business meetings for a couple of days so I was hoping to introduce Lisa to her as well but she said she didn't have time this round.

Lisa, Jisoo and Rose were over at mine's this evening, the 4 of us gathering has gotten frequent. We were having dinner when the bell rang. I went over to give access for the lift to come up, wondering who would be here at this time.

We heard the lift chime and my mother walked in.

"Mom! What are you doing here? I thought you didn't have time to meet me?" I got around the table and gave her a hug.

"Auntie!" Jisoo came over and hugged her as well.

"Hi Mrs Kim." Lisa and Rose greeted. I could see Lisa was getting nervous. We were not expecting to see her today.

"Hello girls!" My mother greeted everyone with hugs.

"Jennie, I won't stay long, I have to catch my flight in awhile. But I wanted to give you a heads up on something," My mother paused and took my hands in hers.

"What is it mom? You're scaring me," I watched her expression changed.

"Your father has arranged for you to be married with one of the business partners' son. Your wedding is in 2 weeks." My mother announced and I had gone stiff. I turned my head to Lisa and saw her face turned white, her legs gave way but Rose caught her in time to support her to continue standing.

"Mom, no. I'm not going to go through with that. I can't," I looked at my mother waiting to tell me this was a joke.

I walked over to Lisa, holding her, "Mom, this is my girlfriend, Lisa. I'm not going to marry anyone if it's not her. Please Mom.."

She walked over to where Lisa and I were standing. "Lisa? Wow, no one has ever made my daughter say that ever. You must be very special to her. I'm sorry you had to hear all these. Jennie's father, he has agreed with the business partner and I'm afraid that it's not possible to change his mind." The tears in Lisa's eyes started streaming, but she stayed quiet.

"Mom, I refuse this arrange marriage. I only want Lisa. Please talk to him. I'll talk to Dad also," I pleaded with my mother.

"I'll try and talk to your father but you know how he is. I'm sorry Jennie. If your father doesn't change his mind, you'll have to be back in New Zealand for the wedding," My mother squeezed my hand and turned to leave.

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