Keep me out of control

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Jennie's POV

Can my life get any better? I am living the dream of any teenage girl out there. I just know that junior year is going to be my year. The year that I finally make West Woods High my bitch! That high school can't be ruled just by anybody. It has to be someone with class. Someone who knows how to boss around.


There are three main rules to follow if you want to take over your high school.

Number 1 is that every great leader has a clique and it took me the whole sophomore year to find them, but I believe I have found the perfect minions.


Two very dumb bitches and my best friend. Let's start with the easy one, Irene Bae. Her father is uber rich, which allows her to dress in a clothes that screamed rich and classy, and to get the best cosmetics a 17 year old girl can get. She is my left arm and kisses the floor I walk on. She would do anything to be my favorite, and I would sure like to see how far this girl would go. That is what makes her a dumb bitch. But she is my dumb bitch.


The second one is Sana Minatozaki, the slut of the crew. Every clique has that one girl who sleeps with anything that walks and Sana happens to be our whore of the group and a very dumb bitch. She enjoys sleeping around and sleeping around and sometimes... sleeping around. Maybe part of me is jealous of the amount of people who want to sleep with her. All other people want to with me is buy me shit and take me out on dates.


The third one is Joy Park. Talk about sass. Out of the three, Joy is the one who defends me and has my back against the haters in the school. My best friend. She knows how to protect me and bully those who make the school look like shit. I am talking about the badly dressed bitches that smoke pot by the boys bathroom. Joy keeps them in place 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time she is fighting with my boyfriend.

Yes. Number 2 is that every queen bitch in high school needs to have a boyfriend. Someone who is hot and probably a jock or the smartest kid in high school. Someone with class and is well built, that will make everyone in the school wish they were you. I have found mine last year and I have no clue as to why Joy hates on him all the time. He is perfect.

His name is Jeon Jungkook. He is just as rich as Irene and he spoils me with the best gifts. He is captain of the soccer team and he is the best student in West Woods High. Or so he says. He is cute and adorable but in my opinion, he is the most sexiest guy on earth when he is mad. And when he is mad, I am horny as fuck and when I am horny as fuck, we fuck. It is that simple. Having a hot, intelligent boyfriend who is good in bed will help you boost up your confidence.


Number 3 is that you must fake it until you make it. I am fake. Very, very, very fake. I pretend to enjoy the company of many people I have surrounded myself with for the sake of my popularity, but if any of them were being attacked by a lion, I wouldn't help them. Because once again, I am better than them. But to rule the school I need to pretend to like some people, people who have resources that will take me to places. I sit at the lunch table with a bunch of jocks and cheerleaders and other rich and spoiled kids.


I mean, I'm not even rich, but I happen to be the most popular girl in school. Anyone who has my charm and confidence can rule the school if they wanted it to. But I guess it is hard to be like me. I am the only one that can show West Woods what a queen looks like. I have girls imitating my style and the way I speak, just to get my attention. I am loved and hated by many people in school. I am okay with that. After a while, you manage to live with the constant thought that someone is out there waiting for you to fall.

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