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Lisa had been so worried Jennie wouldn't show. When Jennie stepped out of the Franks' house, her head had been down, her eyes not meeting hers. Lisa was sure that she'd change her mind, would leave Lisa hanging. But now, coming to a stop outside the fence, Jennie was here. Lisa skirted around Cocky and walked over to the gate, resting her weight on it and looking at her.

"You came," Lisa said.

"Yeah." Jennie shifted her purse higher on her shoulder. "I brought condoms. Or..." She blushed. "A condom. You know. If..." She brought a hand to her mouth and giggled. "Oh my Lord. I'm an idiot."

Lisa laughed. "I have condoms but thank you." The dusk light made Jennie's hair look pink, the wind picked up wisps of it and took it across her face, and she suddenly looked vulnerable. It was a new look on her and stirred some instinct deep within Lisa, one she didn't recognize. Lisa put one foot up on the fence. "Before you come in, I wanted to propose something."

"I don't want to talk about the night of the dinner," Jennie said quickly. "If we could just, right now, ignore that."

Lisa shrugged. "Fine by me. It's your thing. You change your mind, I'm here."

"What's the proposal?" Jennie narrowed her eyes in suspicion, and Lisa wondered, for an insane moment, if a child of theirs would have hazel or green eyes.

"Twenty-four hour truce." Lisa gestured between the two of them. "You and I have some aversion to civility. It's a Friday night. We don't have to work tomorrow. For the next twenty-four hours, no fighting."

Jennie folded her arms over her chest. "What about when you act like an asshole?"

"I won't." Lisa smiled. "Promise." It'd be hard not to push Jennie's buttons, especially when Lisa enjoyed seeing her worked up. But Lisa will behave for twenty-four hours. Lisa wanted to explore more of the girl who hid behind all of that fire.

"I don't know if I trust your promises." Jennie stepped closer, dropping her arms and resting them on the gate.

Lisa shrugged. "Then you can call me an asshole and storm out. Which is pretty much what you were already planning on doing after you got your use out of those condoms. Or condom. Or..." Her grin widened. "Whatever."

"That is true..." Jennie mused, a wicked gleam in those hazel eyes. "I practiced my dramatic exit and everything."

"I often fail at behaving." Lisa leaned forward, against the rail, her voice conspiratorial. "So don't worry. I'm sure you'll get to use that at some point."

Lisa pulled at the gate, then stopped. "Deal?"

"Are you going to turn me away if I don't agree?"

"Ummm... yes." Lisa held the gate in place, half open, her body blocking the entrance.

"You're a terrible liar," Jennie teased, stepping closer.

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