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WE WILL BE staying on the rest house here. There are only 6 rooms. It means, on the first 4 rooms there will be 2 person each on it, and the last two rooms will have 3 person on it. And here we are, deciding about who will share in one room. Sunmi unnie keep insisting Bambam that she will share a room with me, but I'm not agreeing with her. Atleast, I want to share a room with Bambam or Ten or Rosé or Jisoo unnie or Yeri.

"Bam! Please? Let me share a room with Lisa. I want to be with her." Sunmi said. Here she goes again. Aish. She's so loud.

"Sunmi, can you please shut your mouth for awhile? Stop insisting him to approve your favor. Let him decide." I irritatedly said.

"But, Lali." She then pouted. I ruffled her hair.

"It's just a room, Sunmi. So stop now." I said and she nodded.

"Okay. I already decided. I and Ten decided who will share in one room. Lets start. Rosé, you will share a room with Chichu." I smirked at Rosé. My plan worked. She can share a room with Jisoo unnie now. "Wendy and Joy. Sunmi and Jennie. Irene, Seulgi, and Yeri. And Me, Lisa, and Ten in one room. It's final." Bambam stated. I didn't complain. It's also a good idea that I will share a room with Bam and Ten.

"Wait! I want to share a room with Lisa. I'm not comfortable." Jennie shyly said. I giggled.

"Nini, it's okay. You can befriend with Sunmi so you can feel comfortable. Don't worry. I'll visit you there sometimes." I softly said. I saw her blushed but I just ignored it.

"I smell something. You're so unfair, Lali! When you're talking to Jennie, you're speaking so soft. But when you're talking to me, it feels like you're always irritated of me." We all laughed because of Sunmi.

"Sorry, sweetheart." I said and smirked. She wants to play a game, then we will play a game. Just kidding. It's our endearment with each other. As a friend.

"Aww. So sweet of you, sweetheart." I was stunned when she kissed my cheeks.

Fuck. Sunmi unnie! Aish! She kissed me again!

I was about to confront her but Jennie suddenly stood up glaring at us and walked out. Wait, what happened? Did I do something wrong? Maybe Sunmi? Aish!

"Li, follow her." Bambam commanded.

"I did nothing wrong, Bam." I defended myself.

"Silly. I didn't say that you did something wrong. Just follow her. She's your friend." He commanded again.

I stood up and followed her outside.



"Sorry, sweetheart." I furrowed when I heard Lisa called Sunmi sweetheart.

Wtf? Is that really their endearment? So they're really in a relationship?

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