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Chapter 10 - A Knight

*Lisa's POV*

"Who the hell do you think you are to yell at her?" Jennie shouted, making Mr. Lee flinch.

"Who are you to ask me? I pay her, so I will say anything I want." He roared back.

"She's your employee, not your slave. And you are yelling at me, a customer. Do you know what you accuse her of is enough to lose your license and put you in jail?" She replied, not backing off.

None of them are going to give up at this rate. How did everything come to this?

Today is Tuesday which means it's only been a day since Jennie became my friend. We were the talk of the school Today as well, and there were some nasty rumors. Some said I was blackmailing her with compromising photos, and some said I was a witch. Seriously, why are they even interested in others' life? Not that I did any of that, but it's sickening. Jennie had been distant from her friends and had been hanging out with Chaeyoung and me, and as a result, my cycle was punctured again. They didn't dare to do anything else as Jennie followed me around. Also, the three of us got closer. Sometimes Jennie acts like she's an adult and gives advice, which both Chaeyoung and I honestly find cute. But sometimes, she'd snap as if I was in grave danger. Just Today afternoon, we were walking around the ground, and some boys were playing football. One of them took a shot, and I was hit in the leg. It didn't hurt very much, but Jennie was furious at them. She almost ate those boys, and we had to drag her away before the whole school gathered to watch. She's like a knight. And now, she's in my store, arguing with my Boss.

I came to work as usual. It was just a typical day, and then Jennie walked in. She was wearing an off-white sweater and sweatpants. This was the first time I had seen her in something else other than a school uniform, and she looked cute. She gave me a warm smile and went inside. That's when my Boss came in and started to yell at me. You see, the problem is that I threw away some expired goods. Usually, he would order us to stall the expired stuff for a few more days, or he'd let us take them home if we thought they were still edible or usable. 'It won't go bad right away,' he would say. But the things I threw away were way too old. If an inspection comes, he'd be put in jail for sure. However, I want to say it, but he is not giving me a gap. I watched as Jennie and Mr. Lee argued. Within just two days, I had forgotten how scary Jennie was, and now I am seeing it again, but this time her anger is not directed towards me. Instead, it is for me.

"Fine. She doesn't have to tolerate your rudeness, and you won't keep this place for long." Jennie stated. What the hell? "Lisa," She turned to me.

"Y-yeah?" God, she looks so furious, and her veins are visible.

"Get your stuff. We are leaving."

"Jennie, wha-"


I didn't dare to argue. I know, if I leave, that's it. But my body is not listening to me. My hands grabbed my things, and my legs walked out of there. Jennie was holding my wrist, and as we got a little distant from the store, she let go and stopped.

"How dare he yell at you for doing something like that?" I felt like she was talking to herself more than she was talking to me. "You were doing him a favor, and he had the audacity to lecture you instead." She had both her arms on her hips and mumbled some more. I couldn't help but laugh. I had just lost my only source of income, and here I was, laughing. What on Earth happened to me? How long has it been since I laughed, let alone smiled?

"Why are you laughing?" Jennie asked, turning around to me, arms crossed.

"Jennieyah. We became friends just Yesterday, and now I lost my job." I said, faking a cold face. Her expression suddenly changed to guilt but then again to anger.

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