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"I thought that you'd remember, but it seems that you forgot."


Lisa's POV

"Hey Chu? Is this okay?" I asked Jisoo, while nervously setting up the table. "Yes! I'm sure she'll love it dude!" she said picking up the flowers and placing it on a vase on the center of the table.

"It's almost time! I gotta go Manoban. Goodluck with the surprise!" Jisoo said while looking at her wrist watch. "Oh, and don't forget the ring!"

"I won't! Thanks again, Chu!" I said, bidding her goodbye.

I'm currently waiting for my girlfriend, Jennie Kim, to arrive. It's our 4th anniversary today and I'm planning to propose and hopefully get married after we graduate. She has always been the girl of my dreams, and I wish nothing but happiness for the both of us. I hope I won't make any mistakes though.

I checked the time and it's now 9:30PM, she was supposed to be here by 7:30, but where is she?


"Where are you baby?" I said, still being patient while checking the time. "Maybe she got stuck in traffic?"


I got my phone out of my pocket and was about to call her when Jisoo's name popped up of my screen. I immediately answered it.

"Hey Lali! How did the surprise go?" She said on the other line.

I sighed before answering her question. "She's still not here."

But before Jisoo could reply, I heard the door open. "Wait, never mind. She's here, gotta go! Bye!" I ended the call and went straight to the door.

There I saw her, my beautiful girlfriend. "Hey baby!" I immediately greeted her.

She only looked at me with a tired face "Oh hey." I felt a little pain when she did not greet me a happy anniversary. "Maybe she's just tired." I thought to myself, so I ignored it and continue having a conversation with her.

"Have you eaten dinner yet? I prepared something for us." Giving her a slight peck on her cheeks.

"Yes, we had dinner with some of my friends." She said, walking towards our bedroom. "And I'm tired already, let's sleep now, love?"

I'm kinda hurt that she forgot our anniversary, but I guess she's just too tired. "Okay baby. Let me clean up the kitchen real quick, you go ahead and rest. I love you."

She nodded and went to the bathroom to wash up.

While I was in the kitchen, I remember what she called me earlier. "Why did she call me love?" I asked myself. She hasn't called me that since the day we started dating. Now I'm starting to overthink, or maybe she's just really really tired.


After cleaning everything, I went straight to our bedroom and lay down next to her. I was about to close my eyes when her phone suddenly lit up.

I hesitated on picking it up at first because privacy is everything to us, but I couldn't help it, especially when she called me 'love' earlier. So I slowly got up, took her phone and went to the bathroom.

When I opened it, my blood boiled immediately. It was a message from someone named 'Kai' and it says: Thank you so much for the time earlier, love. I had so much fun, let's do it again next time. I love you!


I didn't noticed that tears were already falling from my cheeks. I was crying, it fucking hurts. But I have to pretend that I know nothing, I want to let her say it.

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