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I let Jennie sleep in my arms until there was a knock on my door. I knew it would be one of the prospects summoning me. Seokmin wanted to call church the moment we got back, but I gave him one look and he knew I needed to let off some steam before sitting down to plan fucking anything.Ransoming her and the kids. It was still dangerous.If he somehow found out it was actually us doing it, and not some other club or enemy out for revenge, it would put targets on all of us. Jennie would never let a target get put on someone else's back for her. No, my woman would walk straight into Taehyung's den, arms spread wide, ready for that bullet if it meant no one else got hurt.Too bad that was not was going to happen.The knock startled Jennie in my arms. I kissed her and climbed out, tugging on my boxers, making sure she was still covered before I opened the door. It was one thing to let them watch me fuck her, it was another for them to see her naked, laying out, vulnerable in our bed. Took me a while to get her clothes off, but it was more comfortable to sleep like that, and after what I did to her, she needed sleep.Money stood on the other side of the door. "Church," he said. One word. "Seokmin said to bring her.""Thanks," I said while closing the door in his face.Jennie stirred, rolling to her back, causing the sheet to slide down, showing me her chest."We need you in church.""K," she mumbled sleepily. She made no move to get out of bed, just rolled to her side and curled up. Chuckling at her, I slid into bed behind her, draping my body over hers."That means you have to get up.""I'm up," she protested. Her voice was still raspier than usual, laced with sleep."This isn't up," I retorted.She laughed softly, too tired to really laugh. I've only heard her real laugh, that deep belly laugh that rocks her whole body, a few times since she got here. It's been too stressful. But when I hear it, it's my favorite sound in the world."Come on. You wanted to know what happened with Tex. You gotta get out of bed to hear what's happening.""Okay."She finally slid away from my body, sitting up on the edge of the bed. I was distracted watching her stand to dress, having to shake my head and force myself out of bed when all I wanted to do was forget every fucking problem we had and remain in the safety of these walls.Once we were dressed, I opened the door to the bedroom and we walked downstairs. Only Seokmin, Ten, and Jaehyun were still in the bar area. Everyone else was already in the church room.I nodded at Seokmin, tilting my head down and then pulled Jennie into the church room with me. The guys were all murmuring amongst themselves, and they didn't stop when we walked in. Didn't stop as we sat down, me pulling Jennie into my lap. She'd been here before, but her shoulders still held anxiety as I pulled her against me."Relax," I whispered to her. It helped, but only a little.As soon as Ten, Jaehyun, and Seokmin walked in, the talking stopped, silence falling over the room.YOU'LL ALSO LIKENo stories available.Jack sat at the ready, on the opposite head of the table of Seokmin, joint hanging out of his mouth, laptop open, fingers at the ready. He wore glasses now, adding to the nerd vibes he gave off.We'd be fucking nowhere without him though, no matter how shitty he was with a gun. The only weapon he needed was that laptop."All right, this is what we found out from Tex," Seokmin started. But instead of continuing, he looked at me, waiting for me to continue.Wrapping my arm all the way around her, I held her close as I spoke. "Tex is looking for Jennie and the kids." She stiffened at my words. Maybe I should have told her this before dragging her to bed, or even before bringing her in here, but I'd needed something else.I'd apologize for my selfishness after."The trail Jack left worked. They hit a dead end." She relaxed at my words. "Taehyung doesn't suspect she's here. He doesn't think she'd trust me with the kids.""He's so fucking stupid," Jennie tutted, making some of the guys laugh."Clearly he was wrong." That got more laughter. Despite the noise, the atmosphere in the room was still tense. Wonwoo stared at me, hanging on every word. Joshua spun his knife on the table. Nickhun tapped his finger idly, itching for a trigger. I hated how they were all staring.Was that what Seokmin felt like whenever he spoke in church?"Tex had a few ideas, but all of them put targets on the backs of our women and children."A chorus of no's rang out around me."We know," Seokmin shouted, cutting them off. The protest died down. Sometimes I thought the men in this room were fucking brilliant. Criminally brilliant most of them. But if any of them thought Seokmin would let any woman or child come into the crosshairs, especially his, they were fucking idiots."So, what's the plan?" Wonwoo asked."Ransom.""Ransom?" Joshua asked, those puppy eyes matching the confused, tilted head he had as he stared."Jack needs to set it up," I said. Jack's eyes snapped to mine, cracking his knuckles as he looked at me."Can't be traced back to us. Gotta make it look like the call is coming from somewhere else. Meet up somewhere out of town.""Far away," Seokmin added."An hour at least," Jaehyun added."Got it," Jack said, fingers clacking against the keyboard."He's going to want proof of life," Jennie commented. "For the kids at least, maybe not me."I growled in her ear and she rubs her hand over mine soothingly.It helped. A little."What's the rest of the plan?" Wonwoo asked. "We can't just ransom her and give her back. How are we taking him out?""Tex is gonna be our man on the inside," I replied. "He wants everyone in the club dead.""Everyone?" Jennie asked, voice surprised."Anyone who stands with Taehyung.""That's most of them," she admitted. "But it's because they're afraid of him.""He doesn't care." I shook my head behind her even though she couldn't see it. "Taehyung got Tex's woman killed. He doesn't give a flying fuck why people are standing with him. Anyone who stands in the way of him needs to die.""I get it," she whispered."What next?" Joshua asked.Jack was still busy behind the computer, joint between his lips finally lit, the smell filling the air."We go in heavy," Seokmin answered for me. "Everyone dies.""No," Jennie protested, making Seokmin's head snap towards her."I want to kill him." Seokmin stared at her. "I have to be the one to do it," she emphasized.Seokmin kept staring at her, not blinking. Jennie stared right back, head turned towards him. I couldn't tell if she was blinking or not, just that she kept looking at him. If it was Rachel, he'd give her what she wanted."If we can take him alive, we will," he conceded. "But." He paused drastically. "We're not taking him alive if it's going to put anyone at risk. We have to have a clear shot to take him without added risk.""Okay, that's fair."Seokmin nodded and turned to look back at Jack."I'm almost done."I had no idea if he was working fast ornate. He could bull shit any of us, say a job would take a week when it should only take an hour and we'd never fucking know it."I got another job for you when you're finished," I told him. He lifted a finger, acknowledging me and then went back to typing."Why did I need to be here?" Jennie asked."This involves you, babe. And if you hadn't been, we wouldn't have known you wanted to kill him."She hated church, and I didn't blame her. Most of the old ladies did. Except maybe Rachel. Her at the other end of that gavel would be downright terrifying."All right," Jack said. "I've got it all set up. I can call right from my computer. I've got photoshopped pictures for proof of life.""Won't they be able to tell?" Joshua asked."Don't fucking doubt me," Jack told him.Joshua's eyes widened, and he swallowed, nodding. Then, he kept his mouth shut."We're ready to call whenever. When do you want the meet?" he asked Seokmin.Seokmin looked at Jaehyun and Ten."Three days," Jaehyun said. Ten nodded his head in agreement."Three days," Seokmin confirmed.There wasn't a sound in the room as Jack made the call right from his laptop. I'm sure whatever information was traceable from his laptop was being routed across seven different continents and every major city he could."What?"Jennie gasped at the sound of Taehyung's voice, a shudder tearing violently through her body. And it wasn't one of pleasure. I wrapped my arms around her tighter, pulling her closer."Relax," I whispered. "I will never let him hurt you again. I'm right here." She didn't relax enough for me, so I put my hand on the inside of her thigh, right where my initials were scarring on her leg again. That was the touch that calmed her."We have your wife and daughter." The voice was one of those recorded voices, speaking whatever Jack typed into the computer."Who is this?""You can have them back safely for two-hundred-fifty thousand dollars.""Who is this?" Taehyung asked again voice shouting this time."It doesn't matter."There was a commotion on the other end, making it obvious Taehyung put the phone on speaker."Where are you?""It doesn't matter.""Proof of life," someone said. It wasn't Taehyung, and it wasn't Tex. I'd ask Jennie later who it was, probably his VP or Sargent at Arms."Picture sent to your phone."There was a pause while Jack pushed a few extra buttons on the laptop and then a ding, signaling the picture had arrived."My kids," Taehyung hissed."Are fine," Jack's computerized voice thing said.No fucking concern for his wife."I'm not paying you," Taehyung said,"Then I'll kill them."Even knowing the words were't true, hearing them infuriated me."When and where?" A third voice."Three days. Port Rock. Exit 4, under the overpass."Port Rock was further north, near the Nevada boarder."What time?"Jack looked at Seokmin. He held up one finger."One. Do not be late. Come alone. No cops. Bring the cash in a duffel bag." The clipped tone and short sentences were strange, adding to the robotic effect."Cops," Taehyung scoffed. It was a brilliant idea on Jack's part. Anyone who knew Taehyung would have known he would never bring the cops. It made it seem like it was a crime of opportunity, like when Jennie ran, she ran into someone who kidnapped her, but not that whoever it was would know who Taehyung was, his power—the power he thought he had anyway."I want proof of life every day," Taehyung said.""Fine."Even after listening to this conversation, the voice creeped me out."Three days."The call ended and everyone in the clubhouse blew out a breath of relief."Where does he think it came from?" Wonwoo asked."If his tech guy is good enough to trace it—""He's not," Jennie said."Knew I liked you," Jack said, tossing her a wink, ignoring how I glared at him. "If he's good enough, they'll find it coming from a hotel room in Oregon.""You'll remember to send proof of life?" Jennie asked."I take it back. You doubt me? Jennie laughed lightly at him. "I've already got it set up to send new pictures every twelve hours.""I'll reach out to Tex in a few hours, see what plans they have. We're gonna have to ride out tomorrow," Seokmin said. "Jack and Doc stay with the prospects. Everyone else rides out at dawn.""Dismissed.""Let's go," I said, pushing Jennie off my lap and grabbing her hand. If we had to spend days away from the kids, we were going to spend as much time as possible with them now.JThe day between making the call to Taehyung and riding out dragged on forever and ever. I couldn't sit still. It didn't matter how Lisa touched me, how often I hugged my kids, or how the other old ladies distracted me. I was walking on a knife's edge, ready to fall and end up in a puddle on the floor.We had one day to travel to where we were going, and then a day to wait, hopefully spot Taehyung and whoever he brought with him. Tex would be there. I wasn't sure how he was going to guarantee that, especially since Taehyung had kept him at arm's length since he killed his woman, not really trusting him not to retaliate. It was a smart move on Taehyung's part.Part of what kept his strong grip on the club was his paranoia. No one ever knew if they were really on his good side or bad side."Come here," I said to Holden and Olive. I hated leaving them behind, but I new they would be safe here. We weren't exactly sure how many of Taehyung's men to expect, but we were going with five, and with the five that were going, I had no doubt we would be fine. But the thought of leaving my babies behind without me, when I'd never spent time away from them—without it being punishment from Taehyung—made me anxious. What if Taehyung figured it out and as soon as we left he pulled in and tried to take the kids?The guys behind would protect them with their lives. I knew that. So would the rest of the pride.Squatting at their level, I had my arms wide open and they rushed into them. I knew the days where I could hug both of them in my arms at the same time were numbered, so I held on a little extra."I'll be back in a couple days," I whispered to them.They didn't seem too upset about me leaving. They adjusted well, and I'd watched them blossom. Instead of cowering in fear around the brothers like they did with Taehyung's club—and Lisa's when we first got here—they were coming into their own, speaking to every one, playing with the kids. It was amazing to see, and made me so proud.I should have run with them so much sooner.There was no guarantee I would have been successful though, no guarantee we would have made it out alive. Holden would have made it out alive as the heir. But he never showed anything other than mild tolerance of Olive, and that was at the very best."Where are you going?' Holden asked."I've got to run a few errands with Lisa.""Getting a puppy?" he asked hopefully.I sighed. I wasn't sure when his obsession with getting a puppy happened, especially because no one in the club had one, but it was his new thing. He must have seen a dog on one of the shows the kids watch with the nannies."No," I said.Suddenly, Lisa was squatting next to me. "Not this time, little man," she said, reaching out to ruffle Holden's hair. He welcomed the affection, smiling at Lisa as he pulled away from me."But, someday soon, we're going to get a dog."I snapped my head at her, glaring at her."Really?" I mouthed."Yes."I had a lot to say about that.YOU'LL ALSO LIKENo stories available."Please behave while I'm gone," I said, focusing my attention back on the kids. "Listen to all Aunties Rachel, Charlie, Carrie, Brenda, and Tiffany. And the nannies," I added."We will," Holden promised.Olive snuck her way back into my arms, her way of asking for another hug. I indulge her. I would always hold her.I didn't pull away until she did, and then she took Holden's hand and walked away, leaving em to turn to Lisa. "A puppy? Really.""I said, dog. It doesn't need to be a puppy. We can rescue an older one.""Mhmm," I tutted. "You're gonna leave every day to come to the clinic and leave me at home caring for two kids and a dog?""Our two kids. And our dog," she emphasized. Something in her face turned softer as she stepped closer. I was aware that there were lots of people around. There almost always was in the clubhouse. That didn't stop her from reaching out and cradling my stomach. "Hopefully three kids soon."I shuddered at her words. How many times had I imagined being pregnant with our baby? Too many. She thought of Holden and Olive as her own, loved them like they were her own flesh and blood, something that only made me love her more, but the thought of having a child that had her DNA made me want to jump her right there."You can't say shit like that to me," I whispered."Why?" she asked, already knowing the answer. "Does it make that pussy wet?""Yes," I admitted."Good. It's supposed to."I shook my head at her. We did not have time for her shenanigans. In fact, we probably weren't going to have time for them until after this mission was completed. And then after that I had a date with Taehyung and a knife.I couldn't wait to watch him bleed. I was going to cut him once for every single time he hit me. Another time for every time he threatened the kids. For every STD he gave me by cheating.And then I was going to cut his dick off. Slowly. Inch for inch.I knew Ten did the same thing to Carrie's ex. She told me the story. I should ask his advice. Maybe it was better to do it in one go? I'd have to ask."Are we ready?" Seokmin asked, stepping into the bar area with Rachel behind him. It was obvious they just had sex.Before anyone can answer, a roar of bikes sounds just outside the gates and the guys are rushing, yelling at their women to get down. The paranoia is earned.I don't know who grabs me, but I'm ducked down behind one of the booths with Carrie and Megan when one of the prospects that was guarding the gate came rushing in."It's Taehyung!"My blood turns to iced in my veins.What is he doing here?Suddenly, Lisa is in front of me."Hey," she whispered, grabbing my face. "I'm right here. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. He's not even going to know you're here.""Let him in," Seokmin said. "But take your sweet ass time walking back to the gate. We need to clear this place."Got it," the prospect said. I wasn't sure if it was Money or Toast."All right," Seokmin shouted. "Kids in the playroom with the nannies. Keep the door locked until you get word from me. No one else. I don't care if it's another member. Fucking no one but me gives the all clear. You hear me?""Yes."With that, they corralled the kids and hurried them down the hall."Baby," Seokmin called."I'm right here," Rachel said."You sit with the pride like nothing is going on, like we've got nothing to hide, okay?""Yup," she said.She looked less nervous than all of the guys. She had bigger balls than most of them."Jennie," Seokmin called my name.Lisa's hand didn't leave my body as she walked me towards Seokmin."There's a hideout in the church room. I want you in there, and I want you listening, but fucking quiet. Not a sound.""Quiet as a church mouse," I affirmed."Okay, good. Let's move."Lisa guided me to the hideout in the church room. It was in the back, and I've been in this room and never noticed it, absolutely sure Taehyung wouldn't notice it either."I won't let him near you," Lisa vowed again as she helped me squeeze into the hideaway. "Or the kids."I nodded, the lump in my throat preventing me from speaking.Lisa kissed me. Chastely. Fiercely. And then she pushed the cover of the cove closed, leaving me trembling, holding my breath to try to be as quiet as possible.I had no idea what was about to happen, but it couldn't be anything good.There was no sense of time as I waited for the men to pour into the church room. I had no idea who would all be invited. Was Seokmin even going to let Lisa into the room? How many men did Taehyung bring with him?If guns were drawn it would be a blood bath. Part of me was surprised Seokmin let Rachel and the other old ladies stay. I guess it would have looked suspicious if he hid them. They wanted to make it seem like they had nothing to hide. Especially not me and my children.My heart hundred so loud I could feel my pulse in my temples, the blood rushing to my head, making me sway with dizziness. I inhaled a deep breath, blowing it out slowly and quietly.When the doors opened, and I could hear the murmur of voices and boots scuffing along the ground, sweat started to drip down my back."Thank you for meeting with us unannounced." Taehyung's voice hit me like a ton of bricks, and it felt like all those times before, when I was drowning and he was the one holding my head under the water, the hand always controlling my breaths and movements.He can't find me here. He won't find me here. Lisa won't let anything happen to me."No problem," Seokmin said. "I don't usually accept unannounced guest, but from one President to another, I can extend the courtesy."Chairs scrapped. I tried to count them so I could have some idea how many men were in the room, but it was impossible to tell."I'm not sure if you've heard the rumors, but my wife and children are missing," Taehyung said."Someone take them?" Seokmin asked."Unfortunately it's looking like that," Taehyung replied with false concern in his voice. "She and I had a fight. You know how dramatic women can be. I think she left voluntarily, snuck out in the middle of party, and someone who'd been waiting for an opportunity to take something from me took the chance and grabbed her and the kids.""Any idea who has her?" I recognized Jaehyun's voice."No." Again, Taehyung let out a dramatic sigh. "Someone wants two-hundred-fifty thousand to give her and my kids back though.""You're not here for a loan, are you?" Seokmin asked. He made his tone light, but I knew money was serious business for the club."No, the amount of money isn't the problem."I wished I could see Lisa's face. She was never very good at hiding her emotions and I wondered who she was fairing being so close to the man who killed me.I knew enough to know that even though this was an opportunity they wouldn't get again, they weren't going to take him out right here. It would leave them open to retaliation, and put all the women and children in the clubhouse at risk. The men who weren't with Taehyung would know where he went, where he disappeared from. They couldn't risk that, let alone risk the safety of everyone else in the clubhouse.I hated that he was going to walk out of here, but it was for the best, and would set us up in a better position when we went after him in two days."Then what are you here for?" Seokmin asked."I'm hoping for backup. A few men to come with me. I need an ally because I have no idea what I'm walking into."A phone beeped obnoxiously before anyone could answer."Sorry," Taehyung said. "Whoever has them sent me proof of life.""Can I see?" Seokmin asked."Sure."There was some movement and low murmurs."How long have they been sending proof of life?" Jaehyun asked."I finally got the ransom call a couple days ago. She's been gone for weeks, so I wasn't sure it was going to come."Bile rose in my throat. If I didn't know any better, if everyone in the room didn't know better, they'd think he actually cared about what happened to me and my kids."What kind of back up are you looking for?" Seokmin asked."Couple guys to ride along. We've got to head up north to do the exchange. I've got some territory shit going on with Archer's and I can't leave the clubhouse unprotected to go collect my woman and kids."I hate the way he calls me his woman. I don't belong to him. My kids aren't his. He doesn't deserve to be their father or have their love."I don't know, man," Seokmin replied. "Why don't you give me a minute to discuss it with some of my guys. Go have a drink at the bar. Joshua will give you whatever you want.""Thank you," Taehyung said. Again, if you didn't know better, you'd almost think he sounded sincere.Chairs moved and voices murmured lowly until the door swung open and closed. One chair scraped across the floor hurriedly and I knew it was Lisa. She didn't open the hideout."Are you okay?" she asked, voice filled with love and concern. Looking at these bikers and their reputations, you'd think they were all like Taehyung, incapable of truly loving, only wanting to own and dominate. Sure, Lisa claimed me, owned me body to soul, but she did it with love, pouring into me and giving me all of herself. That was the difference."Yes," I whispered."Okay. It'll be over soon." She knocked three times. And I knew the meaning of it as she walked away from the door.I wasn't sure why Seokmin decided to hide me here and not in the nursery with the kids, behind the safe room door, but I got it now. He wanted me to know what was being said, if I could pick out anything Taehyung said and help them read between the lines."All right," Seokmin said. "What are we doing and how are we doing it?""It might be a good idea," Ten said."What if it's a trap though?" Jaehyun asked. "What if he suspects and we let two or three brothers go with him and they end up dead?""Both good points," Seokmin said. "But how do we turn him down without letting it be known we're the ones hiding them?""We just say no," Lisa said. "We've got our own shit going on, our own enemies. We can't leave our women and children unprotected either.""He'll say we can spare one or two," Jaehyun said."We can," Seokmin said. "But I don't want to, and that answer better be e-fucking-nough.""It'll make an enemy out of him," Ten said."I don't give a fuck. He's gonna be dead soon anyway. And we've already got an ally in Tex, the next president of the club. So it doesn't matter. Let him be pissed.""Still might be better to give him an excuse he thinks is good enough to pass on helping," Lisa suggested."All right," Seokmin conceded. "Bring them back in."I didn't know who stood to call them, but I was sure it wasn't Lisa.I considered the idea Taehyung was playing some type of mind game. He knew who Lisa was to me, at least who he had been before I was taken away and given to Taehyung. Maybe he was trying to feel out if they were involved. I thought they were playing their parts well, not letting anyone in on the fact I'd been here the entire time."I appreciate you wanting to set up a mutually beneficial arrangement," Seokmin said. "Cuz I'm operating under the assumption that this is an if we scratch your back, you'll scratch ours type of arrangement. But I can't miss any of my guys right now. We've got the feds breathing down our necks."That was definitely a lie. They had too many people bought and paid for to have anyone ever come after them. Shit, not even the bodies that dropped were ever traced back to them. And the brothers who died during missions were always given clean causes of death and certificates no question asked.Money could buy you a lot, especially in a small town."I understand," Taehyung said. "I appreciate your time."Something wasn't right. I couldn't figure out what it was, not without looking at his face and seeing the look on his face. It always told me so much more than his words.But I heard chairs scrape again and then boots hitting the ground as they walked out.I waited for Lisa to come get me. Everyone must have left because the room, leaving me to wait it out.It was only a few minutes before the hideaway was opened and I was being pulled out into Lisa's strong arms.She held me tightly, promising nothing was going to happen to me or the kids.I nodded, and moved. I needed to get out of this room and into a space with more fresh air.Lisa guided me out of the room and into the bar area. The old ladies looked at me, eyes asking if I was okay. I nodded at all of them. That feeling of being okay didn't last though because Toast came running back inside."They're not leaving," he said through panting breath. "They're just sitting outside, watching the clubhouse."I grabbed Lisa's arm, "He knows."

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