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Lisa's alarm blazing through her eyes. For 25 years she's been living, she still hates the alarm sound. She woke up early today because she promised to be at Jennie's at 8AM so that they can have breakfast with her family. If someone said she is not nervous, they really don't know about Lisa. Lisa was on the verge of breaking at the moment. She had no idea what she will do if her parents disapprove of their relationship.

Jennie told Lisa that whatever happens, she will still choose Lisa and that makes her heart better. She thought Jennie will be scared and did not expect Jennie can be this brave. Lisa knows that Jennie is being serious and she is so happy at the moment. She got the best daughter, now she will have Jennie all to herself. Sometimes she doubts if Jennie only likes her because she's richer now but Jennie never asked for her money or claimed over time too much. Jennie is sincere, and Jennie said she will show it to Lisa.

Lisa suddenly had really naughty thoughts, the truth is Lisa is still a virgin. She never had time sleeping around with a woman because she was busy studying and got a child. She was wondering how their first time would be.

"Should I ask Rose? Or Jisoo? Or should I watch.... err soft porn?"

Lisa blushed by herself. Being the nerdy one, she never even tried masturbate by herself. She had no intention on doing so at all.

"You are not a pervert Lisa, why are you thinking such things? Jennie is just starting a relationship with you and you already think about this thing..."

Well she is not thinking about that actually but having Jennie back into her arms, she feels the need to learn that in case like one day, they will do it. Lisa wants her first night to be special.

"Wait, you don't even know if Jennie had sex before or not... Stop thinking about it LISA!!"

Lisa was screaming by herself, thinking about all these eroticism images. She decided to wake up and feed her old cats. Leo and Luca are old and they became lazier every minute. Lisa put them in her room because they refused to be elsewhere. Lisa went into the shower to get ready before waking up Ella. Once she's done, she went out of the room just to see Ella is already ready to go.

"Come on Mama, we don't want to be late for Mommy Jen!" Lisa chuckles hearing Ella already called Jennie her mommy.

"El, Auntie Jen Jen is not your mommy yet, so do not call her that... She might be shocked... And who dress my beautiful daughter up?"

"Nanny Dara! Do I look beautiful Mama?" Lisa nods because indeed Ella is a beautiful girl.

"Mama! After meeting Auntie Jen Jen, Auntie Joje wanted to bring me to eat Ice cream... Can I go with them please?!! Can I leave Auntie Jen Jen with you?"

"Sure baby, I'll bring Auntie Jen Jen to our house so that you can go out with Auntie Joje and Chichu ok?" Ella jumps in excitement knowing her Mama approved her sweet tooth.

"And Mama, can you make Auntie Jen Jen my Mommy please?" Lisa choked herself a little bit hearing that from her five years old daughter. Ella just giggles and asked her Mama to hurry to go to her new favourite person. Lisa sigh while smiling looking at her cheeky daughter.


Jennie woke early this morning and after getting ready, she went down to search for her parents. She told her parents about someone special coming today. She wanted to prepare some egg sandwich and bacon because Lisa loves these two food combinations when she's having her breakfast.

"Good Morning Jen, have a good sleep? You looked happy today?" Jennie smiled hugging her mom playfully.

"Mom, I am just okay... I want to make some breakfast for the person coming to our house later..."

"I know, egg sandwich right? What else do you want with that?" Jennie was surprised on how her Mom knows about what she's doing.

"How do you know what I'm about to do?" Her Mom just raised her shoulders and smile.

"Mom's instinct you know, so anything else?"

"Bacon and Orange Juice... There will be two people coming in today okay?" Her Mom nods and they both prepared the breakfast.

Jennie's Mom silently was happy to see her daughter keeps on smiling every now and then. She realizes Jennie has been quiet and sad for a couple of years already. All she wanted is for her daughter to always smile and be happy.


Jennie patiently waiting for Lisa to come when she received a message from Lisa.

Lili : "Hey Nini, me and Ella will arrived in five more minutes. I missed you already!"

Jennie's heart swells with love. It has been some time since Lisa said she misses Jennie.

Nini : "Take your time Lili and do not send text messages while you're driving! I missed you too... I'm nervous right now..."

Lili : "I'm at the traffic light... I am nervous too but let's do it together properly okay. I will always be by your side no matter what happen ok?"

Jennie smiles reading the last text message from Lisa. She can feel the love from Lisa very much. She was smiling when suddenly another text message came in. Lisa really missed her she thought but her smiles faded after she saw the name.

Kai : "Hey baby! Why are you not replying my message?! I wanted you to meet you and you better meet me."

Jennie : "No Kai! Please stop disturbing me. I am in a relationship and do not wish to meet you. Please stop messaging me. I do not want my girlfriend thinking I'm cheating on her..."

Kai : "Oh so you are indeed that disgusting lesbian I thought you are! I don't care Jen! If you don't meet me, I will plant certain things on your Dad's work and make sure he will be in prison due to falsified data. You choose!"

Jennie wanted to cry reading the last message and thought she should discuss this with Lisa. She was in the world when the door ring bells and her Dad open the door.

"Oh Lisa!! Is that you, girl? It's been some time since I meet you... Seven years? And who is this young lady?" Jennie can hear Ella's voice making her smile.

"I am Ella! I am Mama's daughter..." Jennie saw her Mom went towards the door and hug Lisa. Jennie's Mom was always so close to her and she felt lost when Lisa no longer visited her.

"You! My dear Lisa! How can you just leave without saying goodbye and now you had a daughter?" Jennie came into view and Lisa saw her making her smile widely. Ella started running to Jennie the moment she saw Jennie.

"Mommmy Jen!! I mean... Auntie Jen Jen... I missed you!!" Jennie blushed but somehow, she loves hearing the words. Her Dad pretended to cough, hearing the words from Ella. All of them then went into the kitchen.

Ella was so happy to have Egg Sandwich and Bacon and it made Jennie felt amused that Ella really resembles Lisa's ways of living. They talked about Lisa's life and what she does right now but Lisa just said she is working with a construction company.

Jennie looked at Lisa most of the time, making Lisa blushed when she realizes it. Jennie also entertained Ella most of the time. Secretly, Jennie's Mom saw how Jennie is attached to Ella and her mother smile, looking at their interaction.

When they finished their breakfast, Ella and Lisa went to the living room and suddenly, they hear something barking.

Ella jumped in happiness when she saw Kuma running towards her and Jennie.

"Ella, this is Kuma, my dog..."

"Auntie Jen Jen... Can I play with Kuma...?"

"Of course, Kuma already likes you... But can you play near the television so that your Mama and I can see you.. We need to talk to Granpa and Granma... Is that okay?" Ella smiled when Kuma starts licking her.

"Okay! I will.. Thank you Auntie Jen Jen.. I love you!!" Jennie's heart swells again hearing that. Lisa took Jennie's hand to sit beside her and let her parents sat in front of them.

"Jen, you said you wanted to tell us something?" Jennie's Dad ask and Jennie's start to shiver. She stopped when she saw Lisa is holding her hands softly.

"Yes, Dad and Mom... I should have told you earlier but I was scared. I was stupid, I know... but... I ... erm.. I..." Jennie's Mom looked at her softly, waiting for her words.

"Jen, you know you can tell us anyting right?" Jennie's Mom told her and Jennie sigh..

"Mom, Dad... I am bisexual... And ... and I... I love Lisa... Since I was eighteen but Lisa left because I cheated on her. I made a mistake but I don't want to do the same thing again so I'm telling you the truth right now.." Jennie looked down, afraid that her parents might hate her.

Lisa looked at her parents, looking at Jennie intensely. They kept quiet, just waiting to say something and Lisa can see that Jennie's Dad seems to keep something and wanting to say a word. Lisa cannot bear hearing the silence and she started to talk.

"Mr and Mrs Kim, please do not blame your daughter. I love her, and I will make sure to take care of her as much as I can. I might be a coward last time, running away without discussing things further but I am here now. I will support her decision and I hope you can accept us..." Lisa saw Jennie's Dad start to look at his wife and out of nowhere, he suddenly burst out laughing. Jennie's Mom did the same making Jennie and Lisa looked at them weirdly.

"Seven years Jen? or more? You tried to hide it from us? I've known you're into a woman since you're fifteen years old. And the first person you talked about daily is Lisa. Dad! Lisa did this, Lisa did that. We know you are really into her but we respected your privacy, so we kept it to ourself..." Jennie widens her eyes hearing what her Dad said.

"So you are not mad at me? For being like this?" Jennie's mom starts to shake her head smiling at Jennie.

"Jennie, you are our daughter and as much as we are very religious to our beliefs, there's nothing wrong to accept something you love dearly. You are again, I repeat, our daughter... Whatever you love, we will accept it... We know how you really love Lisa last time and we are waiting for your confession but suddenly Lisa went away. I am not sure what happened after that because you cried at night while calling for Lisa. I felt sad for you but I have no idea how to help you when you say nothing to us... I really like you being with Lisa... Of course I will be ok with your decision..." Jennie quickly came to her mother and hugged her while her tears pours out like a river.

"Thank you Mom for accepting who I am... I am really scared if you throw me away because I really love you but right now, I love Lisa and her daughter very much hence I think I need to do this..." Jennie confessed to her Mom making Lisa looked at them with a smile spread on her face.

"Okay since everyone is opening up, I got something to tell too..." Lisa starting to talk and everyone focuses on her. Ella didn't seem to care because she was so happy with Kuma.

"Mr and Mrs Kim, you have always known me as Lisa P.M. But today, I will reveal who I really am because I'm in love with your daughter and I do not want to hide anything..."

"Don't be shy kid, tell us and we will listen..." Jennie's Dad said and Lisa nods.

"Okay.... My full name is Lalisa Pranpriya Manoban. The kid over there is Ella Manoban, my adopted daughter when I was in Boston. So by now, you should know I am one of the Manoban." Jennie's Dad was surprised.

"So... are you the one... that..."

"Yes Mr Kim... I am the CEO of Manoban Corp and I am the one who invited you to work for me. There's a reason to it but we will discuss that later but I am happy to have you working for me."

"Did you hire me because I'm Jennie's father? If you did that, I don't want it. I work because I think I can contribute. I don't take freeloading kid even though my daughter is your girlfriend..." Lisa smiles because she knows Jennie's family never take any advantage of her. Before she decided to hire Jennie's Dad, she already looked up his information earlier. He wants to know how much Jennie's Dad can contribute to the company and apparently, he got a very good plan in managing sales.

"Mr. Kim... I don't hire people because I like them... I did a background check up on you first before hiring. Reasons I need to change you to my headquarter even though we Manoban owned Kim Corp is because of the current CEO of the company, your daughter's ex-boyfriend." Jennie heard that name and she shivered. She is still scared with how Kai threatens her.

"Lili, about that... I got something to discuss with you..." Lisa looked at Jennie and nod.

"We will but let me be honest with your parents about my plan..." Jennie nod wanting to know what happened.

"Mr and Mrs Kim, I am not sure if Jennie ever told you about Kim Jongin or he is mostly called Kai. He is the son of the Kim Corp. I was with Jennie when we were in high school, but Kai took her from me. Jennie was confused and thought both her parents can be happy with her choice but we both hurt ourselves in the process." Lisa sigh and Jennie went back beside her and rub her hands softly.

"I decided to follow my parent's advice and went to Boston. I was supposed to bring Jennie with me as my parents is okay with the scholarship but I was really heartbroken when Jennie refused to be clear with her parents and I went away alone without her thinking she can be happy with her choice..." Lisa looked at Ella and smile, then she continued her story.

"When I was in Boston, I refused to know what happened to Jennie and I found Ella, my new love when I was at the peak of breaking down. When I came back, I was the CEO of Manoban Corp. That's when I met Jennie, she was hired by one of my employees as my Secretary cum Personal Assistant. I can't help but to know more about her so I met Bam... I got to know Jennie tried to break up with him one day after I was gone but Kai threatened her to destroy your career Mr. Kim. So Jennie stayed, but Kai was not satisfied because he wants Jennie for her body. Actually, he wanted Jennie because he hates me being successful in the school. His parents were always busy making him seek all attention he can get. He became worst throughout the years..."

Lisa can see the anger in Jennie's Dad eyes and she let him know it is okay now. He took a deep breath and look at Jennie. Her Mom is already crying hearing all this news she just got to know after how many years.

"You should have told me Jen... Nothing is more important than you. I am willing to lose my job if you are save with your mother..." Jennie's Dad looked at Jennie sadly.

"Mr. Kim, things happened and I am here now. I will not let anything happen to you and Mrs. Kim. Jennie is someone I dearly love; hence her family is my family too. So back to my story, Kai almost tricked Jennie into sleeping with him... Luckily Bam, our friend, don't feel so good when Jennie told him that she needs to see Kai, so he followed him. He got just in time to save Jennie from being raped by Kai.... And that's why I moved you to my company. Other than your good records with sales, I want all of you to be safe..." Lisa can see how Jennie's Dad clenched his fist being so angry.

"Mr. Kim... I know you are angry but let me tell you that I am doing all I can to make sure Kai goes down. I got some evidence going on and when the time comes, I will make sure he is far away from everybody.."

Jennie's parent nod in agreement and they continue talking about Lisa's life in Boston and Jennie started to open up about her life when Lisa was not with her. Lisa felt guilty about leaving her knowing what Jennie went through after the incident with Kai but she knows she needs to get away and let Jennie be matured with the situations.

Lisa was so happy looking at her family now being more open with each other and she is grateful to be accepted in this humble family. Ella came in the middle to sit between Lisa and Jennie while holding Kuma who is licking her. Jennie smiled a lot, looking at what she had right now. Jennie's Dad, who mostly is the quietest in the family, secretly felt happy for her daughter's happiness. If he was given a choice to choose the community that will be hating her daughter's sexuality and her daughter, he would never think twice to always choose her daughter.

Lisa looked at all of them and hope everything will go well.

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