Typa Girl

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Finally, a day off from work. I have been working every single day for months on the new development project. I honestly needed a day where I didn't have to think about work.

"Jen, you're not working tomorrow right?" My best friend Jisoo asked as she sat across my office desk.

"No, I'm off tomorrow. I seriously need a break before I continue with the project. It's driving me crazy," I replied her as I'm typing the last email to be sent out today.

"Sweet! Let's get some dinner and drinks tonight once you're done with this darn email," Jisoo said as she leaned back on the seat. "I have something I want to tell you later too."

With that I looked up. Jisoo never says that unless it was something serious. I gave her a nod and quickly finished up my work.

"Her name is Rose. She's an interior designer," Jisoo shared that she has just met someone and had also gone on a couple of dates with her.

"An interior designer? Wow.. That seems completely different from the ones you've dated before," I responded as I bring a spoonful of soup to my mouth.

"I know! She's so different from the ones I would usually date. But somehow it feels like she's my type which I never knew. Does that make sense?" Jisoo said as she tilted her head.

"I honestly don't know Chu."

"Jen, when was the last time you went on a date?" She asked with genuine concern.

"I don't remember. I've been so caught up with work. I mean, we haven't even got to hang out for the past few months. So what more going on dates," I sighed. My mind hasn't even been on meeting anyone. I have been so focused on my work that my social life has been almost non existent.

"Jen, I don't want to push you or anything. I know you don't need that. All I want is for you to be happy. If you're happy single, I'm happy. If you meet someone, I'm happy. I'm here for you always. But please, your happiness comes first alright?" Jisoo reached across the table and gives my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Thank you Chu, i'm always here for you too," Jisoo raised an eyebrow. "Okay, I will be better at making time for you," I revised my words.

We spent the rest of the night chatting like we always did. She's my best friend, we tell each other everything.

As I laid on my bed that night, I thought of what Jisoo said.

Am I happy? How do you define happy?

I didn't even make any plans for my off day. I thought that perhaps I could sleep until my body decides to wake up and I'd get some food.

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