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Jennie's upbringing was largely about teaching her to be the best in everything she does.
The best grades. The highest degrees. Top manners. The neatest appearance. The prettiest face. Always at the top. Of everything.

It quickly becomes clear to her that that was the reason for her exaggerated reaction regarding Lisa's date.
She felt defeated – as if she had been thrown from an invisible throne – and failure was something Jennie found difficult to deal with, since she was never taught anything else.

And even if she couldn't care less what Lisa was doing, the loss of control was something she just couldn't let go. She wanted to get her power back. Needed to even – because there was no way that she, Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, was outbidded. She just couldn't let that sit on her.

So she forges a plan to regain the upper hand – absolutely determined to achieve her goal of being the best. Of feeling inviolable.

She starts by ignoring Lisa's expected phone calls for a whole week. Which isn't difficult because she's being swamped with work and it's not like she feels the need to talk to the younger girl anyway. But Jennie has to admit, the fact that Lisa wants to speak to her and herself being able to noticeably ignore the girl, plays into her cards.

Lisa even seems a little desperate – her texts with the pleas to call her back getting more frequent by the day – and Jennie's glad to feel the power return to her little by little and her ego growing slightly back to its original size.

It doesn't surprise her that Lisa accepts her invitation to meet-up on Saturday evening right away – the girl probably already thinking that their partnership had come to an end due to Jennie being M.I.A. for days.



Come Sunday, there's only one goal left for Jennie – a single thought in her head. She has to regain what she lost in front of Lisa's apartment last week.
Driven by ambition, she is even prepared to accept inconveniences and jump over her shadow. Only for her own sake, of course.

Lisa is over punctual – a whole 15 minutes early – but Jennie's ready, all dolled up and dressed in her most expensive lingerie. Jennie knows her looks are almost always superior, but today she could probably drive someone insane - which was exactly what she was up to.
She had to make clear that she was the best there was. In all respects. End of story.


She leans back against the wall facing the entrance as seductively as she can – the silk of her robe pressing against her – momentarily cooling her hot skin.

And hot is also what some people might call Lisa's appearance when she steps into the penthouse. Her black short hair messy, and dressed in wide high-waisted pants and a crop top that left her defined abs uncovered.

She seems all over the place – already babbling something about "I wanna explain. I know what you think..." when she enters, only looking up for the first time after she closes the door behind her.

Jennie only raises one eyebrow and crosses her arms over her chest – a faint smirk breaking loose on her face when Lisa stops mid-sentence and her body freezes within movement.
She looks ridiculous as her eyes grow ten times bigger when they travel up and down Jennie's body, which is hardly covered by anything – not leaving much to the imagination.

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