My Pretty Apprentice

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Lisa's POV


"Ughh! Faster baby, yes oww my, ughh! Fvck! I'm cumming! Uggghh!"


The girl moaned as I do her inside this public comfort room of the bar where we're in.


I grinned feeling proud of myself, I just met her half an hour ago and here she is already, moaning shamelessly. She collapsed on my arms after her last surge of orgasm.

"That felt so good baby, you're so fvcking good." She said while catching her breath.

"No need to mention it, I'm well informed." I said giving her a smirked.

"Gotta go now, you can stand? you good?" I asked when I felt that her breathing already normalize.

"So good, fvcking good that I can do another round, much better if we do it on the bed, my place is huge. You can do whatever you want to me." She seductively said, she even wrapped her arms around my nape and bit and lick my neck. I gulped. I'm tempted, I'm about to agree when I heard my phone ring.

I looked at the caller ID and saw my mentor's name, also known as my boss, Mr. Kim. I immediately answered it.

"Excuse me for a sec." I said to her she just hummed, busying herself in the crook of my neck while my free hand squeezing the girl's ass she moaned and it made my eyes wide. I should've not done that. Mr. Kim might heard it on the other line. Aish.

"Lisa?" Mr. Kim confirmed. I gave a girl a signal not to make a noise and thank goodness she's smart enough to get it by nodding though she continue nibbling the sensitive part on my neck. I know by now she'll leave a mark there, though I don't mind, really.

"Mr. Kim? Yes, it's Lisa." I said, biting my lower lip to suppress a moan when the girl's hand started to roam inside my shirt.

"I hope I'm not interrupting Lisa and I'm sorry for calling this late, it's just that it's urgent and I need your immediate feedback, could you at least drop by here at my house tomorrow so we can talk about this over dinner?" Mr. Kim asked hoping. Who am I to decline? He's my boss after all and this is part of my job.

"Ugh..ahh" I fake a cough to overpower my moan. "Sh*t I almost forgot about this girl until she gave little squeezes to my not-so-big breasts. "I- Sure Sir. What time?" I answered lifting my hand that placed to her ass and made her stop, she pouted. I smiled and gave her lips a quick peck. She's cute, I give her that, but nothing special, just like others, only for one time fun. I said to myself.

"Is 8pm sounds good?" He asked.

"Yes, 8pm sounds great. Do I need to wear something more specific? Like dress or tux?" I inquired that earned a generous sound of laugh from the other line.

"No need kid, just wear anything, just be decent, this is just a simple dinner with my family, with my wife to be exact, you know my only child is not around most of the time right?" He said, I know that reality saddened him. Being his mentee one thing I discovered about Mr. Kim is how big his love for his family. I just can't understand why his only child grew up as stubborn as she is today.

"I, ahm, yes that's noted Mr. Kim. I'll be there." I said to go back to original topic instead.

He cleared his throat.

"Thank you Lisa. See you tomorrow then? Don't exhaust yourself too much." He said meaningfully this time I'm the one who laugh.

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