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Jack was on full alert as soon as Somi heard the news that I bought a ring. Any brainless idiot will know that I'm going to propose.

Everyone around me was taking extra precaution as we made our way out of the Incheon airport on the next day. I didn't went back to the hotel room after the party, instead my private jet flew me directly back to Korea where my princess is waiting.

I had asked my friends to help me with the arrangement of the proposal. If my plan works Somi will do something stupid because I'm proposing soon in a few days. 23rd September, that date is so special to us. Most of our special moments have been on 23rd so I will wait for just a few days to propose. I asked her to be my girlfriend on 23rd so why not ask her to be my wife on 23rd too. Right.

And guys don't get me wrong. I'm not proposing just to lure Somi out. Hell I was trying to get this ring for so long but my bad the owner didn't want to sell it to me, that's where Harry came in. I asked him a favour to use some contacts to get this ring and boom. He called me a few days before Jennie's accident that he finally got a deal with the seller.

I was so fucking happy to have the perfect ring for my girl and started planning how I will propose since than. But life is not bright like sunshine everyday. is it?

What's done is done and no one can change it. I'm still going to propose. That's what matters the most.



It was almost midnight when I felt her crawling in the bed slowly, afraid to wake me up. She didn't know that I was already semi awake when she tip toed in the room and kissed my forehead.

I'm so used to sleeping in the guest room with her that I slept here even when she was in London.

I scooted closer to her in my sleepy state and crawled on top of her not minding if she is tired from the flight or not. She didn't complaint either, instead she wrapped her arms around my waist as she mumbled something that I was too lost to hear.

I inhaled her intoxicating smell that I learned to love so much, her favourite perfume and just her.

"I missed you." She mumbled. I could feel her staring at me silently so I just took a few moment to be completely awake before laying my forearm on her chest and resting my chin on the back of my hands.

She beamed when our eyes connected, showing her gorgeous smile. I smiled too as she packed my lips.

"I missed you too." I mumbled back to her. Her hands were moving up and down on my sides slowly as I laid on top of her comfortably. "How was your trip?"

"It was fine. I didn't spend much time there, Just attended the party and went straight back to airport."

"Tired??" I questioned even though I am the one who looks more tired between the two of us right now.

"Nope. Slept all the way from London to here." She said caressing my hairs now.

"Hmm.. but I'm tired. Sing me to sleep?" I pouted making her chuckle.

"Shouldn't it be the other way around? Last time I checked you were the singer between us." She cocked an eyebrow at me.

I just gave her my puppy eyes and that was enough for her. She groaned in discontent but still started humming softly.


A few days passed and I was fine now, As fine as a person with replaced knee in one month can be. I can't go out of the house because everyone around me is super protective.

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