Chapter 14. His Words

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Black Pearl classroom, 11:10 am, Taeyeon's POV

"Open your eyes now," The hairstylist commands and so I slowly opened my eyes, but it surprise me when I see different features right in front of me. "Oh my gosh!" I exclamied as I covered my mouth. "Good looking, dear," One of the stylist commented as she brush my whole bangs. "O-omo! The school doesn't allow a hair color, right?" I asked while touching my hair in color.

"Tsk! It allows my dear, what about the Black Pearl leader? His hair was colored as what as yours right?" My eyes went wide for what she just answered. "W-what? So that means.. He suggested you to color my hair as what his?" I asked in disbelief. "You've got the perfect idea! And actually, this color really fits you! You look gorgeous with it!" Another hairstylist said and smiled at me widely.

"Uh.. Maybe he'll just say that I look even more ugly," I faked cough. "Don't think too much negative thoughts, darling. You should think positive," They cheered. "O-okay, I'll try," I nod my head. I stood up from my seat as I start fixing my own self to get ready for Baekhyun what to say about my new looks, that is.. It's just my new bangs and colored hair.

"Wait right here honey, we're just going to inform the boys," They said and so I nod in agreement, they exited the room and I look back at the mirror examining my whole aura. I already know how to use high heels, thanks to Xiumin and Luhan! I'm already.. B-beautiful.. What's up when he just look at me with his bored and cold eyes? Aish! Why did he chose me as his Angel if he doesn't like me? And for one thing, I don't even know him and he doesn't know me too, the both of us didn't know each other for short. I thought as I slowly tuck my hair on the back of my ear. "We're back!"

"Oh you're back!" I startled and jumped a little from my position to find them right through the door with the other members. I look down with a bit shy 'cause I can feel that they are staring at me too much that makes me wanna melt, I heard their footsteps coming towards me but with 4 meters away, I guess.

"Head up, Black Pearl," I heard one of the members said and so I slowly raise my head while biting my bottom lip. "Omo! Angel Noona is so pretty!" The cute guy said, that is.. I forgot his name. "Yeah, it's more different compared from earlier," Suho commented as he put two fingers on his chin. "You know what, you look good at your new hair color", "That makes you fit with Master Baekhyun," Some of them said and giggled.

"What fits for me?" We all turned quiet when we notice Baekhyun's presence at the front door with his usual facial expression. "Leader, we already did all for her as what you've said," The hairstylists said as they bow down. "Oh yes, you can go now and here's the payment," He said and handed them a check as he signed something, after the hairstylists were gone, he turned his gaze to me while looking at me from head to toe. Yah! Stop looking at me like that! You're giving me goosebumps!

"Pretty impressive," He smirks and landed his eyes onto mine, I blink my eyes for thrice while looking at him shyly. "You've got a nice image right now my dear Black Pearl, why don't we take some picture of you?" I widened my eyes.

"D-do I h-have to? What are you g-going to do with m-my picture?" I asked, stuttering, he sighed as he slung himself on his cushioned chair. "I'm.. Going to develop it as a portrait then post it on my wall," He said and pointed the wall behind him, I can feel that my cheeks starts burning up for what's the sudden request and words he just said.

"Shall I call the camera man, master?" Kris asked, Baekhyun then looked at him as he shook his head. "No, I'll be the one who's going to call," he grabbed his cellphone from the pocket and quickly dialed it. I don't know what's coming up on my mind but I suddenly felt I wanted to look even better for the photo shoot. "He said he'll be here in the afternoon," He answered and look at his members.

"Boys, why don't you take your lunch first", "H-huh? What about you, master? Aren't you gonna join with us?" Tao asked worriedly. "Ni, I don't have to," He simply shake his head. "Are you sure master? 'Cause we didn't experience before that you set us all free," Lay added. "Yes, yes, yes, I'm fine with my decision, so go ahead and take your time," He replied and massage his temples.

The members rejoiced as they strode off for the door when they noticed my presence. "Come with us Black Pearl," They grabbed my wrist but it surprise me when Baekhyun suddenly slammed the book on his table which cause a loud bang all around. "Don't let her come with you, just leave her here," He pointed at me. "O-okay, as you wish master. Bye, Black Pearl," They wave goodbye at me and bow down.

I smiled at them nervously and wave goodbye as a response. I look back at Baekhyun who's already massaging his temples with his close eyes, I cleared my throat and so, he notice me standing a meters away and then he roll his eyes. Like seriously, what has gone with this guy? What's wrong with him?

"Um.." I'm about to speak up when he motioned me to come forward to him, so I did while looking down. "You called–", "I have some important assignment for you and I want you to do it for me," He said leaving my eyes gone wide and slightly drop my jaw. "S-so–", "And also, I want you to submit it to me immediately as you finished, the dead line of that assignment is on next month, first week," He cut me off again.

"Why should I need to do that? You're the Black Pearl leader so it's your responsibility and not me," I protested, but he choke and shook his head. "My my, what a protester kind of a girl you are", "I'm just saying what was right, it's your responsibility," I pointed at him. "Yah, open your eyes, it was written on the rules that you should follow what the Master commands", "I'm not a member, I'm just y-your.. A-angel.." I stuttered, there was a moment of silence between us and little by little, he brushed his fingers through his hair as he sighed heavily.

"You're right, you're my Angel but that doesn't mean you will not help me anymore," He sighed again, as I also did the same while looking up at him. "How can I help you?"


A/N: Another chapter for my hungry readers! And hey! What will Baekhyun give unto Taeyeon? A big assignment that should be immediately pass? Tsk! Taeyeon can handle it though, she's a very brilliant girl and remember that she's a scholar? Anyways, thank you so much for reading and supporting this story of mine! I love you all! Mwuah! Mwuah! :*


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