Chapter 83. Consideration

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The Previous Week Had Passed, Wednesday, Sapphire Classroom, Jin's POV

The song.. the song which I heard from before.. and when I think about it, my eyes always lands to her direction. My heart's racing so fast with no reason at all. I knew that person behind those speakers. I knew the person who sang that beautiful song.. I knew that person who had that beautiful and angelic voice.. I couldn't mistake anything from my thoughts because I knew her melody.

She's the girl that made my heart race faster when the day she sang that song for me when the time I requested her. She's the only person that wants me to provoke things gone into extraordinary, just for her. She's the girl that tells me to protect her and stay by her side. And lastly, she's the person I've been staring at right now.

If I'm not mistaken.. am I?.. definitely.. admiring her? Maybe I do. But the question is.. do I still have a chance when I knew that she had the most important person who've got prisoned in her heart?


Jiyong's POV

Taeyeon and I were walking by some random places here in the campus. but I made sure that there's no Baekhyun and other Black Pearl members could witness us around. "Taeng, have you heard about that beautiful voice during the speaker announcement?" I asks and look at her from the side, "W-what?" Why is she that shock? I faintly smiled and offered her for a seat under the shade of a huge tree, "You didn't know? All of the students heard that voice who owned by a girl. It captivated everyone's attention and that made my heart melt like an ice cream. Together with the piano, her voice and the instrument made a perfect combination of bingo! It was excellent! The harmony was so damn catchy!" I cheered and unconsciously didn't know that I'm daydreaming from what I heard before.

"W-what!?" She asked in disbelief. I look at her direction and found her eyes enlarge, her mouth is slightly hanging loss. What's wrong with her? When I think about it, my forehead wrinkled. "Are you okay? You seemed to look so pale," Well I just really wanted to know if she's okay. Her lips were pale like a snow. Heck! Like that? Seriously?

"O-of course I am.. u-uh.. l-let's go somewhere else, shall we?" That seemed to be weird for Taeyeon to act like that. We just seated here for about 5 seconds, yet– nevermind. C'mon Jiyong! Your purpose here is to accompany Taeyeon! I stood up and offered her my hand, "Okay," She nods her head and accepted my kind gesture.


Taeyeon's POV

Everybody knew the song!? The speakers were on!? But how!? How did it happened when no one is following me! Oh my gosh! I am so dead! Everyone heard it! Could it be possible that.. they also heard when the time I secretly confessed!?

"Why are you blushing when there's no reason at all, Taeyeon?" It snap me back from my thoughts when Kai's voice interrupted me. Right, we're back in the Sapphire classroom, ladies and gentlemen.

"U-uh.. n-nothing important actually.. c-continue," Kai's discussing about something for the upcoming dancing and singing competition this December with the same event to be held during the University foundation and Black Pearl Anniversary. I-I don't know if what's my decision for this but.. are they really sure?

"G-guys, do you think this will be a good idea?" I raise my hand, which made Kai stop from discussing. "Of course it is! And we can win this one if everyone of us will cooperate," Kris answered. "But you girls will be separated with us. It's totally necessary. As for boys, you're collected as one group," Kai continued.

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