Chapter 49. A Sapphire Member

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Taeyeon's POV

"Taeyeon-ah.." Kyungsoo muttered as I'm still frozen on my position, probably following him using my eyes. I then dart my attention to this familiar guy behind him. He seemed like.. I've met him before. My eyebrows crashed at the center as I tried to focus on this guy until my eyes almost got pop out, pointing an index finger at him as I made an audible gasped. "Y-you! You're.. You're one of the–" All of the sudden, someone bursted from behind that cuts my sentence.

"Yes, he's a Sapphire member. A Sapphire student who's willing to tell us all about Jin's plan," I alerted and look back to find Baekhyun with a serious look. The said Sapphire student and Baekhyun march with one another and finally turn into like a face to face. I stand back with Kyungsoo and Suho beside me, blinking my eyes in confusion if what's happening by this time.

"W-what does he meant about that Sapphire student? I-I.. I don't get everything what he just said," I shook my head as I muttered the sentence, "His name is Jeon Jungkook. Based what Master told you, he's a Sapphire member. But I guess we'll consider this as, he's now escaping onto the line. He's now a traitor for he volunteered himself to tell us everything about Jin's plan for exchange of nothing. Without the consciousness of Jin that his most trusted member was now cheating on him," Suho answered, which made me get back to my senses.

"T-traitor, you say? For exchange of nothing? Is he willing to take that risk for exchange of nothing?" I half whisper-shouted, "Well, you should be happy about it since he had the confidence to tell everything our leader," Kris suddenly bursted from Suho's side.

I bite the inside of my cheeks as the two named Jungkook and Baekhyun stared with one another. Are they perhaps committing a staring contest? Soon enough, the Black Pearl leader dart his eyes back to find Suho, Kris, Kyungsoo and lastly, his Third Angel. "By the way, is this house owned by Jungkook?" I whispered to prevent any sound to occupy this silent atmosphere.

"Not just Jungkook, but all the Sapphire members," I widened my eyes in horror and quickly look at Kris, "W-what did you just said? Sapphire members owned this house? B-but.. Why are you here? W-why are we here?" Taeyeon asked in disbelief, wrinkled her forehead, "Don't blame us but that kid. He's the one who invited us and actually the one who's willing to tell every secrets Jin committed," He says and darts me a cold expression.

I let out a frustrated sigh, slowly turning my attention in front while thinking for some possible outcomes that might be happening next. Where are they by the way? And.. Why this time? Why do they lived here in this house which I adore so much? "This is not a house but a dorm of the Sapphire members," All of the sudden, Kai bursted from my side again.

I turn to look at him as I cleared my throat, "Kai, where are the Sapphire members by now? And why it has to be all Black Pearl members should visit this place? And.. Why did you bought groceries? Are you all not afraid that maybe the Sapphire members will arrive anytime soon?" I don't know why but little by little, being a life as a Black Pearl member gets very thrilling and suspicious every moment and everyday.

Is this what the second and first Angels experienced before? Did they also encountered this trials in their life? That they were involved with so much situations when they were out of the topic?

"Whoah, hold on. Let me answer your questions one by one. First, Sapphire members are not here because they were on an urgent situation which I don't know. Second, yes, all Black Pearl members are required to come in this hours since that was Master's command, and for us to know everything about Jin's plan. Third, about the groceries, Baekhyun just said to buy some foods for him.. or should I say, for them, signals for a thanks in word language. Fourth," He pause and steal a glance at me with a small smirk plaster across his lips.

"Of course, we're not afraid that Sapphire members will bust us here entering their own territory. Perhaps this kid will be the victim here. He's the one who invited and we just followed what he said. There's nothing more point other than that," He said, ending with a shake on his head.

I lower my head and bite the inside of my cheeks. What will be the possible outcomes that this Jungkook reports to Baekhyun? And the suspicious part is.. They're communicating with each other even though.. They're more like an enemies with one another. I-I.. I don't know why but I've got the feeling of nervousness in me again. Which I can't explain why. It feels like.. Something really happens here that is not good.

I dart my attention back to find Baekhyun and Jungkook. I formed my hands into ball of fists, biting my lower lip as my feet and hands start getting cold and sweaty at the same time, "Black Pearl, the master just called you," I came back to my senses when Suho taps my shoulder. I look at him as he motion me to henceforth to where Baekhyun was standing by, probably waiting for me to come up, "Oh.. T-thank you," I muttered as I clear my throat and starts walking towards them, fiddling both of my index fingers together which cause a sudden silent atmosphere inside this Sapphire's dorm.

"Y-you called?" I stutter a word and slowly look up to the both of them, "Hmm, since we are the ones who mostly had high status in this section, we will be the one to hear what's this kid up to, alright? He's going and willing to tell us everything about Jin's sudden plan. We're encounter this another problem," Baekhyun answered as he look down at me. With those moment of pause, he stare at me for a second and slowly intertwine our hands with each other, "Together,"


A/N: And as I was saying, I've already deleted so much for this Chapter 49 which I don't have any idea how will I'm going to explain about this Chapter 49 story. Gosh! I've deleted 10 times already, because of over thinking too much, I'm in a state of author's block, but good thing I still updated. Let me tell you this, I'm advance thinking about the future chapters! That's why, Kekeke~

And that's why I publish this chapter very late, because of the thing that I'm thinking about the future scenes in this story. Anyways, did some of my readers like this chapter even if it's in the state of thrill or something? Of course, BaekYeon moments will always be present but mentally absent, joke! I'm just kidding! But hey, Baekhyun just did intertwine their hands Together, right?

What a sweet! Honestly speaking, my cheeks starts flaring red once I write that scene, squeezing like a fool, daydreaming that Baekhyun will do that to me. Goshing~ very impossible right? What a life of a fangirl! Anyways, I hope you like the new update and please continue in supporting this story till the end! Please don't forget to vote, comment and follow! Love lots, folks! :3

This has been,

- PicaXiu

미스터 미남 & 미스 얼간이 (Mr. Handsome & Ms. Nerd) |•BaekYeon FANFIC•|Where stories live. Discover now