umbrella ; tobi-q

49 1 10

kageyama: 15, qq: 14

the afternoon sky was overcast with dark clouds, showering the grounds with rain. qq glanced around nervously, trying to catch a glimpse of any of her friends among the swelling crowd of students preparing to go home, and then ask if they would share an umbrella. suddenly, a tall milk-drinking volleyballer was in her sight, taking out his umbrella.

"kags!" she yelled, running over to him, hoping to catch him before he steps out with his umbrella.

he turned and glanced down at her.

"can i share an umbrella with you?" she asked, "i left my umbrella at home."

he opened his blue umbrella and simply said, "igzo."

"arigatou!" she said, going under the shade.

due to their huge difference in height (him being close to 180 cm, and her being just over 150 cm), the umbrella did not really shelter qq properly, causing occasional rain droplets to splash on her side. she tried to stay as close as she could to kageyama, yet not too close.

suddenly, she felt something warm grab her shoulder and pull her towards kageyama. it was his hand.

her face warmed up and she glanced up at him, seeing his cheeks flush.

"y-you were getting wet because of the r-rain!" he said defensively, averting eye contact.

"you're blushing!" she said, laughing.

"a-am not!"

"are too!"

"am not!"









"dang it."

word count: 219
published on: 270217

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