sharing ; tadarah

19 1 3

yamaguchi: 8, sarah: 7


a certain green-haired boy made his way towards his friend, sarah, who was sitting quietly at a table in the corner of the canteen. since both of them were such introverts, they soon became best friends.

"hi, tadashi," she said as she gave a little wave when she spotted him approaching.

he sat down opposite her and opened his lunchbox, which consisted of the usual bento and an apple. he glanced into her open lunchbox and spotted something yellow and floppy. floppy french fries. he eyed them longingly, wishing to eat one. however, it wasn't his to take, so he could only stare at them and try not to drool.

sarah was curious at what he was looking at and followed his line of vision to see he was peering at the fries in her lunchbox. giggling, she took one and handed one to him, saying, "here, you can share with me."

"hontou?" yamaguchi exclaimed with sparkles in his eyes.

she nodded, and he accepted the fry gleefully.

"arigatou, sarah!" he said with a grin.

"y-you're welcome, tadashi," she said softly, smiling back.

word count: 176
date originally published: 040117
date republished: 090317

a/n: tadarah is cute, no question about it

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