here for you ; makoharu

19 3 5

dedicated to ; sittingonthefence

ever since that incident involving water, makoto had a fear for water. he would try all means to stay away from it and not take part in anything that involved it, but no avail.

the swim club got started up, and he was placed as the captain.

even after the incident of near death when he tried to rescue rei from the water, which resulted in him nearly drowning and having haru and nagisa to rescue them.


makoto jerked his head upwards to face a set of blue eyes.

"you're overthinking again," haru said.

"s-sorry," he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

haru sighed, "look, makoto. the water is not going to eat you up if you know how to swim and get over your fear."

"yeah, makoto-chan!" nagisa said, "even rei isn't afraid of the water any more!"

"when was i ever afraid of the water?" rei asked defiantly.

"remember the time i made you join because we had practice with rin's school?" nagisa said, "and you didn't know how to sw-"

rei's eyes widened as he clapped a hand over nagisa's mouth and yelled, "s-shut up!"

haru gave an awkward pat on makoto's back and said, "if you need help, i'm here for you."

makoto gave a small grin and said, "thank you."

word count: 221
date published: 160417

a/n: lmao sorry for the ooc haru ;;0;; also i forgot the name of rin's school and i haven't finished free yet c; ,,, and an advanced hbd zan !! thx for being a gr8 trash can with me and going through endless chatty mornings with me hahahaha + endless memes esp the italian meme ,, i wanted this makoharu to be good but nO i couldn't gOMEN ;;;-;;; no hate pls

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