master ; keirissa

31 3 5

dt ; pumpkinrice

; noragami au

(title sounds bdsm but it's not i promise)

wiping sweat off his brow, akaashi stood back as he glared at the ayakaashi in front of him. he needed a divine instrument to protect him now, or it's going to be his life that's given.

"akaashi! are you okay?" yelled bokuto, a half ayakaashi, from the side.

"yeah, i'm fine," he said, "bokuto-san, you have to get out of here. now."

"but i did a great job kicking that guy's butt just now!" bokuto whined, before making a face at the monster.

suddenly, akaashi's sharp blue eyes caught sight of a wandering spirit. it was a new one, and definitely pure. perfect.

quickly, he dashed over to the newfound spirit and bestowed it a name.

"i hereby bestow you a name: tea," he said, drawing out her name in the air, "and your instrument name is hiki. come, hiki!"

the spirit turned into a sword, flying straight into akaashi's hand. quickly, he swiveled on his heel and turned his attention back to the monster, who was approaching bokuto. the owl-like teen gave a glare and got into a stance, as though he was about to pounce onto the beast.

"you who descrate the land of the rising sun," akaashi said, running his two fingers down the blade, "i, the akaashi god, lie waste with the hiki to expel thy vast defilement!"

he leapt into the air and aimed the sword diagonally across the ayakaashi's back.


slicing the monster into two, he landed on the ground and the monster disappeared, destroyed completely.

the ravenette stood back up and said calmly, "tea, revert."

the sword turned into a young girl with a boyish haircut. she had black hair and eyes, as well as rather fair skin. she was dressed in a white yukata.

she surveyed her surroundings and muttered, "how did i even end up here..."

"i found you," akaashi stated simply, causing the girl to look up at the taller male, "and i gave you a name."

she looked at him and said, "and...?"

"i'm basically your master now."

word count ; 342
date published ; 090517

a/n ; oh god sorry for the level of screwed up this oneshot was haha ;; basically akaashi was yato, bokuto was hiyori (ok yea idk why too) and tea was yukine ,, now that i think about it this is sum lowkey yato x yukine ;; anyways hbd tea !! thanks for being another "mother figure" in my life (i have like 3 moms including my real one) ! thanks for throwing me into the pit of yoi (as well as the entire trash fam) and not letting me recover :)) thanks for everything ,, ily (in a friend way lmao) !!

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