silver lining ; iwaoi

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they say every cloud has a silver lining. some might say it's true, while others disagree. as for oikawa tooru, he is one of those that believe it's true.

whether his days were sunny or rainy, there's always iwaizumi to cheer him up. even though that guy is a total tsundere and sucks at it. but at least he tries.

when oikawa's girlfriend broke up with him, iwaizumi tried to comfort oikawa by awkwardly patting him on the back, saying he's always there for him when he needed it.

of course, oikawa believed him. iwaizumi was always going to be by his side when he needed it. they were going to stick together, thick and thin.

oikawa was always going to have iwaizumi.

however, not every silver lining is there forever.

this one day arrived when oikawa and iwaizumi graduated and were going to university. the brunette knew that his best friend was going to another university.

it was then he realised that every cloud does have a silver lining.

but the silver lining is bound to disappear eventually.

word count: 171
date published: 010417

a/n: i originally wanted this to be fluff but whoops i'm sorry ;;;;; also aot s2 releases today but it hasn't even been uploaded to kissanime yet i cri ;; also happy iwaoi day and happy bday zen !!

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