one ; keirissa (pt. 2)

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tea walked down the aisle in a white bridal gown. it had flowers sewn on part of the top section of her dress. the skirt was billowing out like a princess' gown in many layers, with a white rose on her waist. on her head was a crown of white carnations, completed with a veil. on her feet were white ballet pumps that looked as if flower petals were glued to them. it was all hands down to zarrin, who had taken charge of her makeup as well as whatever she was wearing.

tea's friends were in the first few rows, smiling as well as taking as many pictures as they could of this glorious occasion.

the priest made the long speeches, and then finally got to the section everyone was waiting for. the wedding vows.

akaashi took the microphone from him.

"i, akaashi keiji, take you, tea, to be my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward," akaashi said, giving a small smile, "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

now it was tea's turn to recite the vow.

"i, tea, take you, akaashi keiji, to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward," tea said, "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

the ring bearer, who was none other than belinda's small five-year-old son, seiichi, stepped forward, carrying the two rings. akaashi and tea took the rings and placed them on each other's ring man.

"do you, akaashi keiji, take tea as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"i do."

"do you, tea, take akaashi keiji as your lawfully wedded husband."

"i do."

"now you may kiss the bride."

the whole church started to chant and squeal as akaashi lifted the veil over tea's head. slowly, they leaned in for a kiss. cheers errupted from the entire audience.

that was the day tea's last name became akaashi.


the wedding banquet was splendid. there was apple "champagne" instead of wine for obvious reasons, and the dinner was scrumptious. there was also a time for couples, married, engaged and dating, to come together on the dance floor for some dancing. qian was on the piano, and qq was on the violin, playing a bunch of waltz anime songs such as eros, agape, history maker, and more.

finally, shanz set the speaker up and put in the cd so that everyone, including qian and qq, could dance with their partners.

it was kind of funny to see qian and oikawa dancing on one side, belinda and iwaizumi dancing somewhere close, while hana (qian's four-year-old daughter) and seiichi trying to waltz.

the newlywed couple was somehow good at dancing, and managed to "outdance" everyone else. their waltz was a must-watch, and everyone could literally feel the agape love pouring out of both of their hearts.

but of course, this was the couple's happiest night.

for now.

word count: 490
date published: 300317

a/n: so to clear stuff up, here's he long list of couples and their statuses (wow !)

- akaashi and tea, newly married (as of now)

- oikawa and qian, first among everyone to get married, has a four-year-old daughter named hana, and qian is expecting another one (oya?)

- iwaizumi and belinda, married not too long ago, have a five-year-old son called seiichi

- sugawara and kimberly, married a little after oikawa and qian

- daichi and zaneta, engaged

- hinata and shanz, engaged

- kageyama and qq, married after suga and kimberly but before akaashi and tea

- tsukishima and van, engaged (???)

- yamaguchi and sarah: engaged

- kuroo and zarrin, married before kimberly

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