period ; tetsurin

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 ; originally a levrin oneshot

kuroo: 18, zarrin: 15

"tetsu," the girl whined as she rolled about his bed, clutching her stomach in pain.

"is there something you need?" the boy asked worriedly as he turned around on his chair to shoot her a worried look.

"get me some chocolate, please?" she asked.

"sure," he answered and proceeded to get up and rush to the kitchen.

when the day of the month comes, kuroo would always do whatever zarrin wanted. that was one of the things she loved (and used him) for. he made sure he was there to help her fight against the nasty cramps, mood swings and other side effects.

soon, he returned with a bar of chocolate in his hand. he sat on his bed right next to her before unwrapping the delicacy for her.

"now open wide," he said, "say 'ah'."

"ahh~" zarrin said as she opened her mouth while kuroo placed part of the chocolate into her mouth and she bit down into it.

she chewed the chocolate before asking, "do you want some?"

"no thanks," he answered, "it's all yours."

"hontoni?" she asked as her eyes sparkled.

it made kuroo happy to know that she was happy and she was not on her rage mode. her period usually made her ten times scarier. to him, that is.

"hontoni," he answered, "now say 'ah'."

the girl opened her mouth to receive the chocolate once more, which he happily placed it in.


"tetsu," the ravenette whined as she trashed about the bed.

"hai?" the raven-haired boy asked as he made his way from his table to the bed.

"cuddle?" she asked as she clutched her sides on agony and looked up at him with big puppy eyes, "onegai?"

he nodded as he slid into the bed with her. he opened his arms wide and she happily nuzzled up against him with her arms wrapped around his upper body. one of his hands was wrapped around her waist, drawing circles on her lower back, the other hand running through her tangled black locks.

"arigatou, tetsu," zarrin whispered as she pressed her head against his chest.

"doitashimashite, zarrin," kuroo replied, giving her a tight but gentle squeeze.

word count: 341
date originally published: 081216
date republished: 270217

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