remember me ; yatori

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yato was afraid of being forgotten. he was afraid of not leaving a mark behind and being easy to forget.

that was why he was so determined to get hiyori's memories back. to make her remember him for as long as she lived.

another part of it was because he fell for her.

funny, huh? how a god of calamity could fall for a simple human being. more specifically, a half ayaakashi. and it would never work out.

as hiyori was a half ayaakashi, she was still part human and could live till a certain age. unlike gods, she could not live forever.

that was why yato wanted to bring her memories of them back. to let those memories linger on in her mind for as long as she lived.

they were currently standing under that sakura tree the dead suzuha planted, watching the river flow. silence was in the air, but neither of them minded.

"hey," yato said after a while, "you won't forget me, would you?"

"dummy, of course i won't," she answered, "why would you think that way?"

"because," he said as he thought of an answer.

"dunno," he answered non-commitally.

she sighed and looked at him. he noticed her stare was on him and he turned his head to look into her pinkish-purple orbs.

"stupid, of course i'll remember you," she said.

a blush formed on his cheeks as he averted his gaze and said, "you'd better!"

"i promise," she said with a smile.

word count ; 250
date published ; 010517

a/n ; ok yea that sucked

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