eros ; yurissa

17 1 0

yuri: 23, tea: 22 


"hm?" the ravenette looked up from the sketch she was doing.

"c-could you come to my performance today?" he asked as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"is this the program you've been practicing with viktor?" she asked.

he nodded and added, "it's called 'eros'."

"so, you're saying," she said, trying not to snicker, "that if i watch you, i'd go 'holy shit yuri! you're so hot! your eros is really appealing! take me away!' is that it?"

"ie ie," he said, immediately turning red, "i-i just wanted you to see me perform..."

"alright, i'll be there," she said with a light laugh.


holy shit, he does look hot...

tea couldn't take her eyes away. damn, yuri did look hot on ice. her face began to heat up and she felt like she was going to nosebleed anytime soon.

(the katsudon has worked his magic upon tea oh no)

once his performance was over, he skated over and glanced at tea's face.

"daijoubu? your face is really red," he said.

"i-i'm fine! i-it's just really hot in here!" she said, averting her gaze.

mental note: never watch yuri perform in front of him ever again. especially if it's eros.

word count: 179
date originally published: 210117
date republished: 120317

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