Icarus~ Style (South Park.)

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I always liked myths. Icarus is a well known thing from a myth, so, lets put my own twist on the meaning, sort of, lets go.
Warnings: New format, heavy indications of depression and abuse and what I would call my saddest ending yet, so, suicide.
Ages: 16 both.
Nobody's point of View.

There is always a certain voice in his head, telling him to quit it. No matter where he thinks he can go to be safe, he is not. There is one person he is safe with but that person is no place and if everywhere he goes is danger, holding someone so familiar in his arms won't help him. It doesn't help to be holding up a bat when everyone else has guns and can shoot from far away. A bat, in far away combat, is as useless as anything. He is Stan Marsh and he has given up.

He tries and tries, he tried to find somewhere safe, nobody ever believes him. He is everything from crazy to just an idiot as he tells what treatment he gets, he tries not to get dragged down though his beloved has fallen further than anyone. But every awake second, he thinks and can practically feel them pushing him down. He thinks it's his fault, apologizes, tell them he'll do better. But it's not his fault... he can't believe that anymore. Everything in his being is saying that he is at fault here... he can't sleep anymore, he is getting dragged down too quickly to get a blink of sleep. He is Kyle Broflovski and he is almost done, just hanging onto his last glimpse of hope.

How did the people everyone used to adore become like this, nobody knows. But with now safe places, they have each other... nobody else, nothing else. Every waking moment is spend hating themselves and wishing they were just dead.

They kiss, they hug, they don't fight, that's the only good thing about depending on each other as everything they know crumbles and finally, no longer exists.

He tries ones more, telling them what happens behind the closed door, crying like it's everything he can do... but nobody believes him. Nobody, absolutely nobody. And that's when he looses his hope. He is Kyle Broflovski and that last glimpse of hope he held onto just burned out, turned to ash and flew away in the wind. Nothing left for him, he has lost his hope.

He feels the person he loves most cry onto him. But he doesn't care. Something selfish in him says he has lost his light but everything else... just thinks that the boy in front of him lasted so long... but of course he couldn't forever... everyone knows that people are fragile... he is Stan Marsh and in his hands, is the only thing in the world to make him feel welcome, who needs him more than Stan can give.

Everything died when they were left alone, not that it was anyone's fault. Kenny got adopted across seas, of course he couldn't be there. Leo had the same fate they had, just far before them... and those where the people that didn't just act like to help their self image. 'Look, I'm helping' those people told themselves but they helped for selfish reasons and when there were more selfish reasons to be cold, they turned.

He stares up at the ceiling, with no desire to sleep, he hasn't slept in a long time anyway... slowly hoping that he will die of exhaustion, keeping himself up any way he could. And when they come, he doesn't care anymore. He apologizes like always but somewhere in his heart, he thinks he wants it, knows how much of a mistake he was... even if he isn't. He is Kyle Broflovski and from the silence, he got beaten until he blacked out.

He is facing down, holding his hands up, just like he is always told. Selfishly, he wishes his beloved was here with him... but nothing... absolutely nothing. He guesses wishing upon a star does not work, not that he has any hope for it to. He just wishes because the only person he needs by his side, in worse, better, in life in general, is his beloved. He is Stan Marsh and he has never wanted to die as much as right now.

They both hug and kiss and do anything to be close to one another, when one tells the other his plan to give up. They continue to stay close, both silently thinking about the possibility of just giving up... they know they should not give up but by now, any hope has been washed away from them, without anything to replace what they lost. They really do love each other but now even this, being so close, does not bring them relief or hope, now it's just a loving feeling... when it used to be the most important thing to ever happen in their existence.

He is on the roof, staring down, thinking about how fast it would be.. His beloved tells him, one more time, that maybe he could die for him instead of the other way around. But it's too late as he kisses his beloved and jumps. He knows it's not a good way but he did it. He is Stan Marsh and he is dead.

He watches as his beloved falls, he looks away at a time he can only hear the body. So he stands up on the edge, whispers to air how he loved him beloved and jumps as well. He as well know it's not the right way but is hopeless by now. He was angry, now he is not anymore. He is Kyle Broflovski and he is dead, next to the person he loved most.

Around their bodies, people cry. Even the people that were so horrible. Ones, Kenny asked them if they were happy. Back then, they were.

And now both of them will be known as a very twisted story the others will call 'two loving Icarus's'...

...not that the two will ever know that.

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