Make history 5/5~Mess of ships (South Park.)

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A reminder to you if you're vegetarian like me, NEVER EVER force yourself to eat meat all of a sudden, you WILL get incredibly sick and will be barely be able to eat for the rest of the day and will be holding onto yourself so you don't puke it out. #SpeakingFromExperience #HappeningRightNow.
Warnings: Cursing, Sexual content and nothing else really... I don't think. But you know, I'm the king of triggering content so take that as it is. Something might trigger you.
Ages: 20 all.
Clyde's POV.

"So the first round is tomorrow?" Token asks.

I laugh at him.

"Get ready to have nobody to talk to tomorrow," I say.

"Don't worry about me needing company. I have Wendy and Kyle," Token says.

I nod before leaving out, he catches the door with his hand, letting out a laugh.

"Trying to kill me with the door or something?" he asks.

"Did it work?" I ask.

He laughs, pretending to die. I laugh as well.

"Death is not that funny you know," Wendy says.

She looks at both of us.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry," Token says.

"It's fine. I should take a page from Kyle's book and start moving on," Wendy says.

She walks up to Bebe and kisses her on the cheek.

"Hey," Kenny says, waving at us.

"Hi Ken," I say.

He laughs.

"No! Shit! It was a mental typo!" Kyle says, loudly.

Stan comes to us.

"Guess what Ky said?" He asks.

"Mental typo. I meant to say quirky," Kyle says.

"'You seem like a quickie person', said by Kyle while recovering from a hangover," Stan says.

"QUIRKY!" Kyle says.

He is hiding his face in shame.

"No I like quickie a lot more," Kenny says.

"Why yes Kyle, I am a quickie person," Stan says.

Kyle looks like he's about to either cry or burst out laughing. It ends up a weird mix of the two.

"Come on, it's not that bad," Stan says.

"It's just a quickie!" Kenny says.

Stan and Kenny high five.

"Fuck you! Both of you!" Kyle says.

"Both of us? That's gonna be difficult," Kenny says.

"Come on, let go of Kyle's mistake," Wendy says.

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