Beautiful~Kendy (South Park.)

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Now i wanted to hit something personal, I am not a woman but I have had an eating disorder, as I showed in my first one shot book with a few of my oneshots. And I wanted to tell y'all that you are beautiful the way you are. So this will be a thing, I will make a few uplifting small stories here. (Song up top is mine BTW.)
Warnings: Mainly cursing and body issues..... South Park did an episode on this but I'm having someone IRL going through such huge issues right now.
Ages: 15.
Wendy's POV.

I look down at my legs for a long while. Look, I'm not exactly proud of anything I feel, I'm supposed to be the feminist whose okay with their body and just wants to move on but I just..... can't. It's so goddamn hard for me. It's hard to ignore that I have touching thighs or that I am not the image that comes to mind when you think 'skinny'.... but really, sometimes the things I used to be proud of are the biggest things.

'Why are you so masculine? Why do you have so much muscle? That's not attractive, you scare people away!'

I just.... sometimes it feels shitty.

"Hey Wend," Kenny says.

He sits next to me. We are at a swimming class with our class and it's free for a moment as they find some kids locker key from the bottom of the pool.

"Hey," I say.

There is a moment of silence.

"Why aren't you with your friends?" He asks.

"I.... eh.... it's complicated," I say.

Bebe is hanging around her girlfriend just like Lola. Nichole? She's hanging out with the guys. It's not like they take me into the gang anymore after the nasty breakup Stan and I had last year. If anything, that made my confidence drop to about zero..... to none actually. Mainly because my main group of friends were the guys since I never got into makeup and all that.

"C'mon, let's go to the guys," he says.

"I-," I start.

He drags me up, oh dear Lord he just had to feel my weight.

"Wow shit, nobody told me the floor would be this hard to stand on," he says, taking a hold of the wall.

I laugh just the slightest bit.

"I'm fairly certain I could slide across like a fucking penguin!" I say.

He gets on the floor on his stomach.

"Not if I do it first," he says.

"I'm not going to," I say.

"Suit yourself!" He says.

He actually starts sliding across.

"Are you not coming?" He asks.

"I don't know," I say.

He laughs and takes my hand, dragging me on the floor so we can slide together. It's uncomfortable but hilarious.

"Last in the kids pool owes the other people," he says.

I sigh and we start sliding, laughing both. He reaches the pool first, dragging me up.

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