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My word: Magnetised. It was a school thing but I decided to do this while I'm at it.
Warnings: Cursing.
Ages: 18.
Wendy's POV.

"I don't have the skills necessary to describe the most beautiful woman I've seen but I will always try.

Her eyes are hard to look away from ones you lock them... which, isn't often but when it happens. They're somewhere between mint green and a stormy grey, admittedly more green with an utterly brown inner circle right next to the pupils, there is something utterly gorgeous to the ghost of happiness they flash with when she walks my way. I'm almost certain my eyes don't just flash, I probably look like an actual puppy whole way through it. But her eyes just smile, they don't stay excited but they are still so goddamn magnetic and if anything, magnificent. There is something magical to her eyes.

And oh boy her smile. I could go on and on. She smiles like a queen, a princess from a fairytale. Even if I'm her prince, fuck it, I admire that smile every time I see it as it were my very first time seeing it. And I make her smile, a lot... I would believe, she doesn't stop around me. I'll admit, I'm possessive but that goddamn smile is like a birth right of mine, I've been there for her every-fucking-day so yeah, I have every right to admire it. And how utterly magnetising it is. It's gorgeous in every way the word can be used.

Her goddamn hands are beautiful. And that might sound weird but that IS what most of my friends say too, she has great hands. They're a bit small but she is strong. They're smooth and so fucking good to hold. That's just—that's unfair. My hands are shitty from work and probably the worst things to feel but she just has perfect hands out of nothing. It's annoying but because it's Bebe, it's also kind of marvellous how good hands she has. She isn't laying around when we work, she does the same, her hands just stay the same through it all. What I call baby hands because everything about a baby is smooth. Like seriously, kids are smooth when it comes to physical.

If I had to say something about body, I'd just use some exotic word. Pulchritudinous or something alike. She's ravishing, I'll say it like anybody would but with respect. She has an incredible body and she knows it, which makes it so much more attractive (according to everyone! I swear, everyone can appreciate Bebe and how beautiful she is, EVEN THE GAY MEN. Even if they like Red more, just like all the others, they can appreciate it). She has a inviting aura, which is very nice to come to. All and all, she's just wonderful, sometimes even mesmerising just by WALKING, I repeat, this beauty can take a few steps and be bewitching while doing in a way nobody else has. Not Red, even if I can admire the fact she's stereotypically beautiful, not Nichole, even if she is a goddess. Nobody. Absolutely nothing can be as enticing as the queen of the fucking kettles. (That being about coming out 'are you a pan or a kettle' with her response being 'bitch, I'm the queen of all the kettles'). She's is fascinating with how goddamn alluring she actually is. Beauty, grace, everything you could ever think of... she has it. And she goddamn rocks it. As Kenny jokes (resulting in a slap obviously) she had 'splendid statuesque'. Which, Kenny, you have a beautiful way to sum up shit and that's it, that's anything you can say about how beautiful she is. She's magnetising.

And she's intelligent and even if it's almost the same thing, she is perspicacious. She is a blonde, that doesn't matter, she's still smart. And I can appreciate that more than I appreciate everything about her looks. And I appreciate our intelligent conversation at night, talking about what matters in life. Who do we want to be, what would be change, what will we change.... everything. I can tell her everything.

And her voice is something in it's own league. It's gorgeous and I can't take my eyes off it. It's beautiful in every single way possible and I love her dearly. She is my soulmate," I read, smiling slightly as her mother wipes her tears.

"And that is why I ask of you if I can take your daughter to live with me and possibly to start a new life.... with me," I say.

Bebe is looking down. This house has always had slight homophobia around it but I think they are redeemable.

"Take good care of my daughter."

I look at her father, eyes agape.


"I said, take good care of my daughter."

"You're letting—."

"I have never been completely against the idea. It just felt strange. You should have just asked but I thought it fit you both quite well for you to make a speech."

"Thank you," I say.

I take Bebe by the hands, kissing her on the cheek.

"You're coming with me, Love."

She nods, taking me into a strong embrace.

"I forgot to mention so many things in the paper."

"Don't say anything else, you already gave me too much credit."

"I didn't give enough to how utterly gorgeous of a person you are."

"Wendy, please," Bebe says.

"I could write a book about how gorgeous you are," I say.

She kisses me, smiling.

"But don't you know I could write a book about you?"

"Bebe, Wendy, I give consent but I have a very strong reaction to kissing and shit like that, in public, no matter the gender it feels awkward," Bebe's dad says.

"You didn't seem to care last night with mom," Bebe says.

I burst out laugh.

"Bebe, you're a magnetising being. Seriously."

"You don't think I know what, Wends?"

I shake my head.

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