Bar~Stenny (South Park.)

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Warnings: Maybe cursing and the way they speak might be sexual.
Ages: 19. AU of them not really knowing each other.
Kenny's POV.

"Hey cutie."

He jumps up, looking at his friends, who just shakes his head.

"Which one?"


He smiles.

"What is it?"

"Oh no, I just had to make sure I wasn't seeing things. I haven't seen such a pretty guy around for a while."

He laughs.

"Thanks. You aren't bad yourself."

"Leo, don't leave me to third wheel these two."

"C'mon, Ky, you're not being a third wheel."

"Oh I most certainly am. Now excuse me, I have to find my boyfriend, he ran off yet again."

"I swear! If Leo ran off any more, he'd need a leech."

Ky laughs.

"Good luck, Stan. And hey, loosen up a little."

He walks away, yelling out for this 'Leo'.

"So you're in a gay bar....—," I start.

"Oh no, I thought this was a straight one," he says, sarcastic beyond believe.

Oh this is my type of guy.

"Into guys?"

"Bold of you to assume I can answer that. But yes. But the last goddamn time, this is a gay bar, you yourself started this conversation with that fact so if I wasn't into dudes, I would be in the wrong goddamn bar. Not that straight people can't come, I just know this is a gay one.... for a fact! And I don't know if Straight people would enjoy, at all... I'm not fucking straight in the slightest."

"Oh of course. Say. Can I offer you a drink?"

"Depends. How drunk would you like me?"

"Sober enough to remember me."

"Then wouldn't recommend. My memory gets hazy really easily."

"But what if I got your number first?"

"I mean, sure?"

He gives me an actual card with his name and number.

"Can I call now? Just to make sure you didn't accidentally give the wrong number?"

"Sure. But send a text, can't be bothered with a call."

I put the number in and send a text. His phone buzzes near immediately.

"Aw thanks," he says.

"I had to appreciate how pretty you look," I say.

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