Merry-go-round~Tokenny (South Park.)

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Warnings: cursing.
Ages: 14.
Note: Let's just say, there is a reason Kenny's the one that's been in accidents......... and this could've gone dark if I were to recall what actually happened to moi.
Kenny's POV.

Unless I don't die, I don't get scarred. But there have been two accidents where I have been left barely moving and someone saved me.

First one I was 'saved' by Kyle and Stan: I got 34 scars out of that one.

Second one I was saved by...... Craig Tucker the asshole: I got 30 scars.

All and all I have 68 scars and everything in my body is resisting hitting my foot or something into a sharp machine to get 69.

But one thing bothers me.... Craig Tucker, the sworn enemy of Stanley Marsh, saved me, the sworn best friend of the guy. Stan's best friend would be Kyle if that wasn't his boyfriend..... you know, Boyfriends can't be best friends anymore. The reason Jimmy is Craig's bestie is because he's with Clyde.

I tried to make sense of this case and decided to walk over to the table. But I'm pretty sure that was a bad idea.

"Whatcha doing here, McCormick?"

Token just smirks at me. He's cute and kind and—Kenny, stop it.

"Answer me."

I sigh. Here we go again. It's like a fucking merry-go-round and round and round we seem to go. I just never seem to get told WHY we're going around. I'm Pan, my sexuality in itself is a fucking Merry-go-round. Round and round and round, over and over and over. But also, most of this table is fucking bipolar. I tell you, they're fucking bipolar. Like, one day they are super kind and the next I am nothing but air. And then the next from that they're rude as fuck......
....probably hormones. I do bring that side out in people. Kyle and Stan are also fucking bipolar when it comes to talking with anybody. Sometimes they're nice, then they're not. Hell, i'm bipolar if you think about it that way.

"Can I sit here?"

Token smiles at me before tapping the table a little. Tweek goes closer to Jimmy, getting me a spot across from Token. I swear I need to get rid of this crush on the guy.

"Look, I'm sorry to bother but.... Craig. Do you remember that time—?"

"That time you were nearly made into a pancake, yes, I do."

"Why did you help me again?"

"I'm a decent fucking human being."

I nod, keeping my eyes on the table.

"Plus, Token was the one who got into action, he called the hospital and told me to try to stop it as long as I didn't get hurt."

I smile. Goddamnit, I might slightly like Token. Fuck me.

"Thanks, Token."

He rolls his eyes.

"Like hell I'll leave you for dead!"

I laugh.

"But next time, don't fuck around with my suicide attempts," I lie.

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