Woman of Dreams~Bendy (South Park.)

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Random title generator fun turned into this.
Warnings: Fantasy fuckers... and cursing.
Ages: 19.
Note: They, quite obviously, don't know each other.... it was either this or the sex of the children and I feel like FBI would be bugging me about that one.
Bebe's POV.

I sit down again, looking down at my hands in a tired haze.

"Bebe.... go to fucking sleep," Kenny says, smiling kindly.

I shake my head.

"I just can't... I've been having the same dream for months and every time I awake, I'm as tired as ever."

"How long has that been going on?"

"Two months? Fuck... is it June?"

"It's July. Bebe, sleep, right now!"

"I really can't help the fact I'm tired even after fucking sleeping!"

Kenny rolls his eyes.

"You're fucking sleeping. Drink the tea, go do your shit and sleep. You look horrible!"

"Ken, really, I—."

"No buts, nothing, go."

I sigh and drink the tea before putting the cup into the sink. We live together.... Kenny and I... we're like brother and sister but um.... lets hope we're not I can say that much. Our relationship is mostly family like but we've had our very sexual moments as two very pansexual people under really hard stress.

"Now, go to bed and close your eyes, you look like you'll fucking explode if you don't."

I sigh and walk towards the only room in the house with a door in between. Ken sleeps in the living room (like he doesn't sleep next to me most of the time) and I go there. It's nice, cozy... and honestly, I wouldn't live with pretty much anyone else.


I hit my head on the pillow, closing my eyes for a moment.

~Well I mean kind of a timeskip.~

I open them, same room... same time... that's weird, I thought I slept.

"You're back!"

I turn around to see a girl sitting on the windowsill. Beautiful and long black hair, hazel eyes and goddamnit, all around she's one cute motherfucker.

"What are you doing in my house?"

"Oh..... you don't remember me?"

"No.... I don't think I d—."

My dream flashes before my eyes, seeing this girl all over again.

"So um.... I do remember you."

She smiles... Wendy, I think that's her name.

"You haven't been getting sleep lately.... sorry, my bad," she says.

She smiles.

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