Set camp and go crazy~Stylenny (South Park.)

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Shout out to the memories that inspired this. I know caffeinetea did this ages ago. I have gone camping for five years straight, I have an official mention that I can handle an emergency in water/forest/unpopulated area. Bitch, if I didn't do this, I would betray my roots. Also, romance didn't blossom between me and anybody..................................... did not definitely get a bit of flirting in with two really handsome guys. Whaaat? How could you think that?
Warnings: Sexual, most definitely! And cursing.
Ages: 16.
Fun thing: I meant to make this extremely Finnish. Hints still there. Also, Hello_Im_Crazy279 kinda gave me more inspiration to make this. I was reading old messages and went 'I gotta'.
Kyle's POV (Day one out of three.)

We finally get the tent set up. Kenny smiles and just leans back against the tree behind him.

"The others aren't gonna be here for a while," Stan says.

I nod and take my hat off, throwing it on the ground. Kenny smirks and takes his hood off.

"Is that a challenge?"

He nods and I laugh, taking my shoes off next. Kenny does so as well.

"I.... what the fuck are you doing?" Stan asks.

Kenny winks before taking his shoes and socks off.

"Oooooooooooh. I'm so in."

Stan smiles and throws his hat off as an 'I'm in', taking to being barefoot as well. I laugh at it, taking my jacket off.

"Well this took a new turn."

"You betcha I'd bring the stakes up."

He laugh and throws his parka off as well, Stan going next. I start taking my shirt off.

"Oh now it's getting good!"

"What the fuck are you all doing?" Wendy asks.

Stan laughs.

"Wendy, I love you but this is the wrong time."

Wendy laughs this time.

"Sorry, I had to come over. Bebe's having a sugar high and Nichole is throwing pillows at her to test her reflexes," Wendy says.

"Oh okay," I say.

I put my shoes back on.

"They do want to get naked in front of me for some reason, Red included. Which is like, girls, I'm poly but I would rather not have you constantly getting naked in front of me."

I laugh. Craig's gang along with Butters, come over.

"So Stan, Kyle and Kenny share one?" Token asks.

"I'm taking Craig, fuck you," Clyde says.

"I'll come with *gah* you too."

"Sure, honey."

"I-I-I'm going with Token."

"Me too."

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