Roles~Mess of ships (South Park.)

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I've been thinking about making Hamilton shit. So if you SOMEHOW ARE A PERSON THAT COMMENTS (I'm fucking lonely and salty) tell me if you like that idea.
Warnings: Cursing and a bit of................. sexual content.
Ages: 18.
Kyle's POV.

"I'm bored," Leo says.

I laugh.

"Wanna play Roles?" I ask.

"What's—?" Stan asks.

"HECK YEAH!" Bebe screeches.

"Roles is a game where everyone writes down their name, a place and a prompt relating to a romantic relationship, number between 2-5 and people act it out until one of us says 'done'," Kenny says.

"We don't have paper or bowls," Token says.

Suddenly bowls and paper fall from the sky, along with paper. I laugh.

"Thanks, Readers. I appreciate y'all," I say.

We all take it and write everything down.

"Okay then," I say.

We put them into bowls.

"Can I draw?" Clyde asks.

"Of course you cinnamon roll!" Nichole says.

Nichole and I found Tumblr together. We kept it in a small circle... yes, we know everything that's posted.

"Five," Clyde says.

"Clyde.... that's a two," Craig says.

"Oh," Clyde says.

"Draw two names," I say.

"Nichole and.... Craig," Clyde says.

"Okay," Nichole says.

"Cafe.... you two are extremely drunk and decide to confess," Clyde says.

"Why am I drunk in a cafe—?" Craig asks.

"Do it!" Token says.

Craig sighs and both of them get up, Nichole and Craig.

"Hey Graig," Nichole says.

She takes a convincing hold of Craig.

"What?" Craig asks.

"I deci-decided to say that I love you because...... I couldn't take it anymore," Nichole says.

"I'm not a fly," Craig says.

"Fuck off," Wendy says, loudly.

Never give Wendy a bottle of vodka, she seems to think everyone accuses her of being a bird.

"I-i-i-i," Nichole says.

She fake falls over, however, Craig really isn't ready and both of them fall on the floor. She kisses him.

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