Drag/crossdressing~Stendy (South Park.)

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I very much crossdress myself and Stan's height (or what I see it as) very much interested me. Also, Stan be me my first time. Merry Christmas everyone, crossdressing Stan is here for today because special's gonna be late.
Warnings: Cursing and a lot of other shit.
Ages: 14.
Note: I don't know shit about makeup, I just know this makes masculine features look feminine and women also use it? I don't use makeup outside of crossdressing.
Stan's POV.

"Oh dear Fuck."

Wendy laughs, making me laugh as well.

"There is a lot to do to you," Bebe says.

She rises my head.

"You have a really masculine face. There is a lot to do to it, especially that jaw."

I chuckle a little.

"Make me pretty."

So basically, I lost a bet.... I'm starting to think we should stop making bets with Kenny but fuck it.... I have still gotten the shortest end of the stick.

"Now, let's get to this," Nichole says.

She gets on the eyebrows.

"Women tend to have sharper eyebrows, you men have them all over the place. So I'll arc them a bit to start it off."

I nod and she continues to do it for a few moment before she lets go.

"Damn! Looks better already!" Red says.

"You gonna do eyeshadow?"

Red nods.

"Wait...... that looks different depending on gender?" I ask.

Red shakes her head.

"We're just making your eyes pop, makes a girly look."

She starts doing it.

"Can we get some music? This'll get boring soon," Wendy.

Bebe nods and opens the app, putting her playlist on.

"Done," Red says, after a moment.

"Let's get to curling them lashes."

"Oh fuck no!" I say.

"Won't hurt.... at all."

"I doubt that."

"What? Why would it hurt?"

"That looks like it would!"

Bebe rolls her eyes and start to do it. Oh...... wow, it doesn't.... that's surprising.

"I'ma put mascara, your eyes are really masculine."

"Is that a good thing?"

"Tends to be attractive for girls that like men, yes.... but I don't know about making it through as a woman. That'll be a hell to make doe."

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