An idea~Stylenny (South Park.)

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So I'll make a story of South Park x Hamilton. Basically every single song (not quite) have their own chapter with what I wanna write with that. Fully historically incorrect. Look forwards to that.....
Warnings: I'm trash for a lot of things. Can you catch..... three? And cursing.
Age: 16.
Stan's POV.

"So you're both into theatre now?" I ask.

"He signed up just after me," Kyle says.

He's smiling ever-so brightly. Of course Kenny would.

"Hey! My riend!" Kenny says.

"Don't you mean friend?" Kyle asks.

"Nope. I'm the boyf and he's the riend. Honestly, people are too in their musicals these days," Kenny says.

"At least nobody has wanted to blow the gym up during a dance," Kyle says.

"Or has tried to take a suicide victims sister by pretending that they were friends with that person's friend," I say.

Kenny laugh.

"Or has tried DeFyInG GrAvItY," Kenny says.

"Or.... there are so many things to say.... tried to get shot by their political rival?" Kyle asks.

"Too soon," Kenny says.

"It was 200 years ago!" Kyle says.

"Still too soon," Kenny says.

I nod along to all this.

"Or maybe plan to be remembered?" I ask.

It's such an out of place one, I don't know much about it but 'My grand plan' is so fucking good.... I gotta listen to the rest. Admittedly, you can't call it a musical.... can you? Yeah you can! But still! It's more known for the books... which I haven't read. Oh yeah, speaking of books and reading...

"I like this one book by the way. I read it a while back," I say.

I dig it up and show it to the boys.

"Is Hector your favourite?" Kyle asks.

I shake my head.

"I do like Stanley Yelnats a lot more," I say, laughing slightly.

It isn't exactly uncommon to have a Stanley in a book but I just like the idea of having someone with the same name. And the main character? Sign me the fuck up! Plus, Hector is an adorable character. Admittedly the others are too..... I hear the film is good too! That's awesome! I am gonna watch it in a month! About.... a little over a month. Maybe two or three.....

"No you fucking don't! Who doesn't love Hector?" Kyle asks.

"I do love Hector but I like, Stanley is very important to me. He's adorable," I say.

"I mean Caveman is pretty adorable but I mean..... I like Zero a lot more! He's adorable, resourceful and at least he tries. Zero and Caveman have an interesting difference, Zero is not familiar with our live and Caveman is not familiar with his," Kyle says.

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