Family~Stulenny (South Park.)

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Sorry angst/smut lovers, I have been going through such utter shit today...
Warnings: Cursing and cuteness.
Ages: 24 all.
Kenny's POV.

"Dad!" My son screeches and runs to Stan, straight past me

"I swear, this shows you're going too easy on him," Kyle says.

I laugh.

"True. He hasn't been that happy to see me like, ever," I say.

My son immediately comes to hug me.

"Come on Kalen," Stan says.

"I don't ever want Stan to name anything ever again," Kyle says.

"You got to name the cat. I don't get to name anything," I say.

"Because the poor thing would most likely be called Chew Dick for it's whole damn life," Kyle says.

"No. I can't name it Kura?" I ask.

"Don't try with me, I know it's something in some language," Kyle says.

"Mud in Finnish," i say.

"Isn't it the day of Aleksis Kivi today?" Stan asks.

"Yup, tenth of October," I say.

Kale smiles as we get into the damn car, me driving again.

"Dad?" He asks.

"Yeah?" Every other person in the damn car asks, including me.

"Kenny," Kale corrects himself.

"Yeah little man?" I ask.

"What's a dick?" He asks.

All three others look at me with a stare of 'I fucking dare you.'

"It's how people have sex," I say.

"So the thing you dads all do together?" Kale asks.

"Yes Kale. I hate your damn name but yes," I say.

"Hey! I was being fair! K from Kyle, A from me, L from Leopold and E from you, the last N is just forgotten," Stan says.

"Oh you wait till he gets made fun of for that name," Kyle says.

"I think it's awesome!" Stan says.

He smiles.

"Plus. Ones I finish studies, he's going to be in my school. We ain't got a bullying problem anywhere near me," Stan says.

"I would like to believe that but I'm finishing the same year and am not as positive," Leo says.

"You just have to believe!" Stan says.

They kiss.

"Nope, i just know about these things. Bullying isn't exactly something easy to stop. Hell, you tried, even if from selfishness, years ago," Leo says.

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