Time to~Cryde (South Park.)

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My spirit animal is apparently a bear. It has been between a wolf and Fox most of my life.
Warnings: I'm sorry, I just like the premise of this one comic and just wanted to do it but make it a whole lot darker because I feel like shit.. So, War, Cursing, possibility of death/or death and shit like that all around.
Ages: 24 both.
Clyde's POV.

I smile at Craig, getting the sudden idea to, sort of, joke around.

"If I make it out alive, you have to kiss me," I say.

"What?" He asks.

"You heard me," I say.

"What do you mean by that?" He asks.

"I just told you," I say.

I get up and start shooting.

"What the fuck?" Craig asks.

"They'd find us," I say.

He sighs and get up, shooting among my side. There is a moment where it looks like we're going to make it... until a bullet hits me right in the gut.

"Clyde?" He asks.

I shake my head, crying.

"Captain, there is wounded," Craig says.

"Yes sir," he says.

He carefully puts me down.

"Am I going to make it?" I ask.

He looks down at me.

"I hope so," he says.

There is an another shot. He puts my ammo bag against the wound.

"Keep your eyes open," he says.

I nod. He starts shooting again, it's a lot harder now since he has to do load and shoot or he'll get shot.

"I'm so-," I start.

"Don't talk," he says.

I try to keep my eyes open but it's getting harder and harder by the minute. There are other shots in the distance, which are easy to recognize by the fact a lot of people get off our backs.

"Okay," he says.

"Is it going okay, sir?" I ask, humoring myself.

He nods.

"We are not in immediate danger now. Goddamnit. Where are they?" Craig asks.

I smile at him.

"They-they'll come," I say.

"You are not going to die on me, Clyde!" He says.

"Hey... at least I had a good life?" I ask.

"No, you're not going to die!" He says.

He sinks down.

"Let it go, Craig. I'm hurting. It's a lot more useful to die. Remember, 'think about it logically'?" I ask.

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