Matured~K3 (South Park.)

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Ain't a spelling error. Kyle X Kelly X Kenny. Because goddamnit if Kelly was my age and real, I'd so love her, she literally knows CPR and was kind for ones. Plus, Kenny was dating her really long, something that is probably second or third to NicholeXToken or StanXWendy in length. Plus, non-binary Kyle here.
Warnings: Cursing.
Ages: 18 yet again.
Check out Hello_Im_Crazy279 by the way, if you love South Park. I know I'm not really that active or anything and she's super cool.
Kyle's POV.

"Kenny, sit the fuck down," I say.

He's been walking in circles for half an hour. Which is really annoying, considering Kelly's flight hasn't even landed and he's already so nervous.

"Shut up, Ky," he says.

I get him by the hands.

"Kenny, stop, it's really late for this shit. That mother over there just got her kid to sleep, you'll wake the boy and the poor mom will have to do it all again," I say.

He takes his hood off, breathing in and out.

"This isn't exactly anyone," he says.

"Your first girlfriend, I fucking know," I say.

He nods. We continue to talk about nothing in particular until the blonde taps Kenny's shoulder.

"Lenny!" She says.

Kenny sighs.

"Now that I don't have the hood," he says.

He puts hands on her shoulders.

"I'm Kenny," he says, with the most serious tone I've heard him talk in.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry!" Kelly says.

Kenny nods.

"Hey Kyle," Kelly says.

I wave at her. We've been texting a lot, her and I. She's an awesome girl.

"I just came from the Philippines," she says.

"That's cool!" Kenny says.

Kenny is a little too smitten with her. Not that the Philippines aren't awesome but I'm fairly certain she could have said any place and that would have been his response. Poor guy, as soon as he reconnected with Kelly, he fell for her all over again. Can't say I'm much better, I think she's beautiful as well.

"Hey Ky. About the Trumps obsession with genitalia," Kelly says.

"Hasn't become a thing," I say.

She nods.

"Thank God," she says.

"Yeah, thank God," I say.

Kelly looks at the time.

"Aren't you two tired?" Kelly asks.

"Hell no, he snores, i can't sleep before 3 am," I say.

"So you two sleep together or-?" Kelly asks.

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